Log 10 ? - Matsuura Kanan

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"There, better now?" Kanan was still holding back Mari's hair, she couldn't stop vomiting. Kanan felt so bad for her. She's been like this all night.

"I think I'm better now..." Mari mumbled and got up again. "Please leave now, I'll try to rest. Tell the others I won't have breakfast today, okay?" She gave Kanan a weak smile and went back to bed. Kanan gave a last small peek at Mari through the door crack and left.


As Kanan passed by the kitchen, she saw that Yoshiko was lingering around it. It was only 6 am, she didn't have to start yet. "Yoshiko?" Kanan stepped into the kitchen.

Yoshiko flinched. "Kanan!" She shouted surprisingly. "You startled me..." she mumbled. "What are you doing? There's no need to prepare breakfast yet." Kanan said as she leaned against the counter.

"Ah... it's just..." Yoshiko looked at the floor. "It's hard to explain." She simply said, hoping Kanan wouldn't dig any deeper, but knowing her, she would.

"Then explain in a way you can." Kanan said. Yoshiko sighed. "You see, I've been noticing something. For the last two times You cooked, someone has been feeling bad. It was always when a person ate something nobody else did." Yoshiko looked at the ceiling, pausing and thinking of what to say next.

"First Riko with the curry, now Mari with the French toast. I got suspicious. What if You did something to their food?" Yoshiko still looked at the ceiling, her eyes narrowed.

"I don't believe it's a coincidence. Today, Hanamaru will be the only one to eat Pancakes. I'd warn her, but I need to know if You actually did something. I'll keep a close eye on You while she's cooking and keep a close eye on Hanamaru during breakfast."

Suddenly, Yoshiko looked at Kanan. "Kanan, would you do me a favour?"


"Here, the eggs." You gave Kanan a gentle smile as she handed her the eggs. "Thanks, You." Kanan replied. "Thanks for helping me, I really appreciate it. Since Mari isn't feeling well, someone had to jump in." You said as she made the mixture for the Pancakes.

"Well, you helped me out yesterday, so I thought it'd be nice if I helped you out." Kanan mumbled whilst carefully watching You. You glanced over to Kanan which caused Kanan to look away quickly.

As she felt You's glance go away, she looked over again. She saw how You put some kind of small pill into her hand from a small container. She then put it into the mixture and continued like normal.

Kanan knew she shouldn't confront her now, they still need to wait. She looked towards the door and saw Yoshiko giving her a thumbs up. She recorded the video successfully.

They found a small camcorder in the music room, call that perfect timing.

Kanan sighed. Now it was time to wait. "Please be alright, Hanamaru." She thought to herself.


During breakfast, Yoshiko and Kanan couldn't focus on their own breakfast. All they could do was looking at Hanamaru, eating her breakfast with the same passion she eats any other food.

Hanamaru quickly finished, like always. Kanan gave a quick look to Yoshiko. They both nodded. "Ugh... I'm not feeling well, zura..." Hanamaru suddenly said and held her stomach in pain.


"How do you explain this?! I can't believe it! You're trying to drive us all insane here, don't you?!" Chika shouted at You. Kanan and Yoshiko had told Chika everything and showed her the recordings.

You only looked down, pretending to be the innocent bird. "How could you seriously poison your own friends?! What's wrong with you?!" Chika couldn't stop screaming at her, she was just too mad.

"What do you know!" You suddenly shouted back, tears forming in her eyes. "They all deserve the pain they're expierencing!" You chuckled, as if she was turning psycho now.

"What?!" Yoshiko couldn't hold back anymore. "Nobody would ever deserve that! How could you do that to your friends?!" Yoshiko slapped You, leaving a red mark on the slightly taller girl's cheek.

You held her cheek in pain. "How dare you slap me...?!" She lifted her own hand to slap Yoshiko as well, but someone caught her hand mid-air. "Stop it, now!" Kanan shouted, pushing You's arm behind her back.

"Both of you, get a hold if yourselves!" She added. "Kanan, she poisened out dearest friends!" Yoshiko didn't want to keep quiet. "I know, and I understand how furious it makes you, it makes me, too! But we can't solve it like this." Kanan tried keeping her voice down.


"I'm sorry, You." Kanan had tears in her eyes. All this time, she pretended to be the mature one in this case, trying to solve everything in a calm way. But she was the most furious, the most angry.

"I've always thought you're such a good friend... But now I found out that you don't treasure any single one of us..." Kanan mumbled. "And now? All of it... All you did was to pretend!"

Kanan wasn't able to hold her anger back anymore. She took the baseball bat that she set next to her and hit You's head with all her energy, gaining muffled, quiet, screams from You.

Kanan had knocked her out while she was preparing for bed. Kanan blindfolded her and tied her to a chair, putting a cloth into her mouth so she couldn't scream. It was down in the basement in a small room with nothing in it.

Kanan hit her around 12 times when she let the bat fall down with a loud thud. She began to realize her surroundings again. "I... wait... did I... kill her...? Kanan looked around, blood splattered over the walls and floor.

"How... could I...?" Kanan fell to her knees, letting out a loud scream and loud cries.

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