Log 9 - Tsushima Yoshiko

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The next day, when Yoshiko woke up, she found herself in Riko's room, not her own. Her upper body was resting on the bed while she was kneeling on the floor.

She slowly got up and looked at Riko, who was peacefully snoring. She looked a lot better already, but something still seemed to trouble her in her sleep. When Yoshiko was about to leave, she hear Riko mumble "Don't go.".

Yoshiko stepped back towards Riko's bed, assuming that she was talking in her sleep, having a nightmare. Yoshiko sat down on the bed, gently patting Riko's head.

Suddenly, she began to sing, hoping it'd reach Riko in her dreams.

♪"Leave your past in the past. This is my oath and though it is painful, with a smile on my face I will sing of this magical place..."♪

Yoshiko noticed that Riko seemed to tense up a little, her face had a painful expression. She really had a bad dream. Riko looked so... pained.

♪"As long as I am able to hold onto my dreams, I know that everything will work out, definitely! All of these gentle words can't seem to put my heart at ease..."♪

(Credits for the lyrics go to the Cover Group "Nine Mermaids"!)

Now, Riko seemed to relax, her expression turned calm again, her body wasn't stiff anymore. She was laying there, beginning to snore yet again.

Yoshiko let out a sigh. She was relieved that Riko seemed to feel better again, but she still wanted to know what her dream might've been about.

* * *

"Thanks for the food, Kanan." Chika said as she took a bite of her pancake. "Ah, no big deal. I'm glad You helped me out." Kanan gave a gentle smile towards You.

"Everyone. Since Dia and Ruby can't do their parts in the chore list, I made a new one. I hope everyone is okay with it. If there are any problems, please let me know." Chika announced.

She got a folded piece of paper and unfolded it to show us all. Everyone has been here for breakfast for once.

"I decided that the Healthcare and Log only need 1 person. If the person isn't able to, there'll be a substitute in the schedule. If they aren't able to as well, the next person will be chosen randomly."

Cooking: Chika, Hanamaru
Cleaning: Riko, Yoshiko
Dishes: Mari, Kanan
Log: You (Substitute: Chika)
Healthcare: Hanamaru (Substitute: Mari)

Cooking: Kanan, Riko
Cleaning: Mari, Chika
Dishes: Hanamaru, You
Log: Yoshiko (Substitute: Hanamaru)
Healthcare: Kanan (Substitute: You)

Cooking: Mari, You
Cleaning: Kanan, Hanamaru
Dishes: Chika, Riko
Log: Kanan (Substitute: Mari)
Healthcare: Yoshiko (Substitute: Chika)

Cooking: Yoshiko, Chika
Cleaning: You, Kanan
Dishes: Riko, Mari
Log: Mari (Substitute: Kanan)
Healthcare: Riko (Substitute: Yoshiko)

Cooking: Mari, Riko
Cleaning: Chika, Yoshiko
Dishes: Kanan, Hanamaru
Log: Hanamaru (Substitute: Riko)
Healthcare: Chika (Substitute: Kanan)

Cooking: Hanamaru, You
Cleaning: Kanan, Mari
Dishes: Chika, Riko
Log: Chika (Substitute: Yoshiko)
Healthcare: You (Substitute: Hanamaru)

Cooking: Kanan, Yoshiko
Cleaning: Hanamaru, Chika
Dishes: You, Mari
Log: Riko (Substitute: You)
Healthcare: Mari (Substitute: Chika)

Everyone looked at the sloppy handwriting and didn't say a word. Chika looked at everyone one by one, getting a silent nod from each.

When Chika's eyes met Yoshiko's, Yoshiko could see how exhausted she was, how tired and spiritless she was. It was the complete opposite of the Chika she knew.

Everyone continued on eating their breakfast. It was silent. Nobody was in the mood to talk. Yoshiko didn't understand why, maybe it was just a bad day.

When Yoshiko looked around the room, she noticed how pale everyone has gotten. She noticed how empty their eyes got. She wondered if she looked the same.

But one of them caught her eye. It was Mari. She looked a lot more pale than the rest of them. Yoshiko stood up and and walked over to her. "Mari, are you feeling alright?" Yoshiko asked as she put a hand on Mari's shoulder.

Mari looked up to her. "I... I'm not sure... I just suddenly feel really weird..." Mari replied. On her plate was the halfway eaten French toast. She was the only one to eat it that morning.

"My stomach really hurts and I feel like vomiting..." Mari mumbled. "Hey, let's head to the bathroom together, okay?" Yoshiko held out a hand to Mari, which she gladly took. "Yeah..."

* * *

"No! There must be more to it!" Yoshiko shouted as she threw away the piece if paper she had been scribbling on. "When Riko got her stomach ache... what did she eat the day before...?"

Yoshiko massaged her temples, trying to remember. "We had... You's niceoodles..." Yoshiko remembered. "But... Riko was the only one to get You's Sailor's curry since she wasn't in the mood for the noodles..."

Yoshiko looked up, at the picture that was hanging on the wall. It was her, Riko and Mari. She didn't put the picture there. It was already in there when she got here.

"And today, Mari was the only one to get French Toast... made by... You." Yoshiko focused on the notes she had been taking. "Tomorrow, the new schedule will be You cooking again... I need to keep an close eye on that."

Yoshiko walked up and down her room. She looked at another picture that was hanging in her room. This time, it was showing her and You in their JimoAi outfits.

"I'm sorry for suspecting you, You... But I can't let this go on any longer." Yoshiko clenched her fists and made her way out of her room, sneaking towards the kitchen.

It was late already, so she thought that everyone must be asleep already. Every evening, everyone writes down what they want for breakfast. Yoshiko looked at the notes and looked at everyone's wishes.

"Tomorrow, the only one that will eat something that nobody else will eat is... Hanamaru..." She mumbled to herself. "I'm sorry Hanamaru. I hope you'll be alright... I can't stop her. I need to investigate further before I can put action against her." Yoshiko said as she thought of her dear friend.

* * *

"Hello. This is Yoshiko. We made a new schedule today. But it's nothing special that I specifically need to talk about.

I found out quite some interesting stuff. I think it's dangerous to let You prepare food. Every time she cooks, someone feels bad. I'll investigate. Tomorrow, Hanamaru will be the only one to eat Pancakes.

I'm afraid. I hope she'll be alright...

I'm sorry, Hanamaru."

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