11 - I'm sorry.

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"Huh...? Where am I?"

Chika felt the cold wrapped around her. She could see nor feel anything. All she noticed was the cold and a few muffled screams in the distance.

"Who's there?" She shouted, only getting a loud echo of her own words as a response. After it disappeared, she heard the screams again, a bit closer this time.

"Help me!" Were words Chika was able to understand. "Where are you?" She shouted back, wanting to help whoever was crying for it.

She got no response.

Soon, she got to see a few things. She saw outlines of a person but she couldn't figure out who it was. The silhouette reached out a hand, trying to grasp Chika's, but the silhouette vanished as soon as Chika was about to grasp it's hand.

"Anyone! Help!" She heard from behind her, a bright light flashing towards her. She ran towards the light, she didn't care about how sore her legs felt.

"Who are you?!" Chika desperately shouted, the light slowly disappearing as she got closer.

"Chika!" A loud voice shouted.

* * *

With a loud gasp, Chika sat up. She was panting heavily, sweating and her heart felt like it'd jump out of her chest any second.

A nightmare.

The loud shout still echoed in her head.

Chika looked around her room, only making out a few outlines since the lights had still been turned off. Chika let herself flop onto her bed again, trying to calm down.

Tears formed in her eyes as she remembered her dream, but she couldn't figure out why she was about to cry. "It was just a dream, Chika..." She said to herself.

She sat back up again, wanting to get a glass of water. She turned on the lamp that was standing on the drawer next to her bed and stood up to head to her bathroom.

She was sleepy and didn't really pay any attention to her surroundings. She looked straight at the floor with halfway closed eyes until she ran into her wardrobe and landed on her bottom.

"Ouch! Has that wardrobe always been there?" She held her back in pain and looked up, finally noticing that she hasn't been in her own room.

She looked around.

The walls were full of scratches, the wallpaper glistening off it. The ceiling was wooden with a few holes in it. On the wall, there were words written on it with what Chika assumed was blood.

Things like "I'm sorry." Or "It wasn't my fault." Were written on it. She hasn't seen this room before. Was she still dreaming?

Chika headed towards the door and peeked outside. The hallway was empty, dark and a cold breeze hushed towards her.

Of course she immediately knew something was odd about that. Usually, there are lights turned on in the hallway with the girl's rooms. Chika knew she had to be in the basement of the building.

She reached out a hand, searching for a lightswitch. Luckily enough, there was one right next to the door. The hallway was small. The ceiling was low and there was just enough space for two people to walk beside each other.

She found herself at the very end of the corridor. She felt quite cramped in there.

The entire walls, ceiling and floor were gray concrete. The lights were normal led lights that were in the ceiling.

"Hello?" Chika shouted, hoping for an answer, actually knowing she wouldn't get one yet again.

And she heard the screaming again.

"Help!" She heard a familiar voice cry. It was... Hanamaru. "Hanamaru?!" Chika shouted, trying to find her. She ran through the hallway, but it didn't seem to end. There were no doors whatsoever.

"Help me!" She heard her scream again, but she couldn't find the origin of the screams. They echoed through the corridor, so it was hard to find.

"Chika!" She cried, giving Chika more courage to run even though her legs hurt and her lungs were burning like hell.

She ripped the first door she found open and saw Hanamaru tied to a chair. "Chika!" She shouted, relief in her voice. "What happened to you?!" Chika asked as she tried to untie her.

"I don't know... I woke up in a weird room... When I tried to find anybody, I got knocked out by someone and found myself here..." Hanamaru mumbled.

Chika found a small knife at the floor with what she was able to cut the ropes.

"I heard screams, so I tried to find the person. I think it was Kanan..." Hanamaru added as she held her wrists in pain. The rope left small cuts on her wrists.

"Kanan...?" Chika asked and held her chin. She sighed. "We need to get out here first, okay?" Chika said and took Hanamaru by the hand. "Don't separate yourself from me, got it? We need to stick together."

They walked through the corridor again, holding each other's hand tightly. Hanamaru was crying a little still, Chika noticed how much she was shaking.

They walked and walked, but they didn't seem to reach the end or maybe another door. "What is this? This corridor can't be that long!" Chika shouted.

"I'm sure we can find an end... If we got here, there must be a way out, right, zura...?" Hanamaru quietly said. Chika sighed. "You're right."

After approximately 10 minutes they've reached another door. Chika held her ear at the wooden door. She heard muffled screams, as if someone had a cloth stuffed into their mouth.

Chika looked at Hanamaru. "Step aside." Chika commanded, followed by Hanamaru quickly stepping away from the door. Chika held the small knife she found tightly and pointed it towards the door as she opened it.

It was another small room, in the middle was Yoshiko, her arms and legs tied together and a cloth stuffed into her mouth. "Yoshiko!" Hanamaru cried and ran towards her friend. "Are you alright, zura?" She asked worriedly as she got the cloth out of Yoshiko's mouth.

"Hanamaru! Chika! You need to run away! Leave me behind!" Yoshiko screamed. "What are you talking about?! No one gets left behind!" Chika shouted back as she quickly cut the ropes Yoshiko was tied up with.

"Now, hurry!" Chika took Hanamaru's hand, Hanamaru took Yoshiko's. They walked behind each other in the narrow corridor, keeping a fast speed to get out as quick as possible.

"Chika, don't you understand?! You need to run!" Yoshiko desperately tried to convince Chika. "No. We need to be careful. If we're too hectic, everything will only get worse." Chika said determined.

They soon reached another door, but this one was different. It wasn't wooden like the others. It was out of steel. Chika held her ear against the cold door, but she wasn't able to hear anything.

"Crap." She said as she tried to open the door. It was really heavy so it was hard for her to pull it open.

As she peeked inside, she saw the with blood splattered walls, ceiling and floor. A baseball bat was lying right infront of the door.

The room was slightly bigger than the other one's so she couldn't see all of it with the small amount of light that came in through the small door crack.

She opened the door all the way, her eyes widened at the sight she had. She screamed as loud as she could and ran away, leaving Yoshiko and Hanamaru behind. "Chika!" She heard Hanamaru shout once more before she blacked out.

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