Chapter 2- Applicant (50 days to go)

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The following morning I lay in my bed for the longest time possible, wallowing in my own sadness. I'd never fully got over Pablo, I think I struggled to accept it was over because when it happened, it happened instantly and we never even officially broke up. Yet now, I'd agreed to try again and it had only left me feeling empty.

I knew Violetta would have already left for school and Olga and Ramallo were usually gone in the mornings, so I allowed myself to unbottle the emotions I'd had so carefully locked away. A million emotions cascaded me and trying to avoid them was like trying to dodge the raindrops in a monsoon.

I probably would have lay there all day if it were not for the fact that there was a knock at the door. As I figured I was the only one home, I trudged downstairs reluctantly, knowing that I would have to get the door, but hoping that if I was slow enough, the person would go away.

Needless to say, the door was still being violently knocked on by the time I had got downstairs.

When I finally trudged my way to the door, I opened it to find a sturdy figure before me. The man, who looked considerably older then me, maintained a steely gaze and expresionless face as I glanced at him. He was immensely perculiar, but there was an edge of mystery to him and it only made me want to know him.

"I'm sorry, can I help you?" I said, trying to read his body langauge but failing miserably.

"Yes, are you Miss Angeles Carrara?" he said, still maintaining his fixated gaze.

"I am." I said leaning against the doorframe in awe.

"Well, Miss, I'm here..." despite his steely gaze and tough exterior, he trailed off, almost anxiously.

I gazed at him to prompt him to continue, he broke eye contact for only the slightest moment, but it prompted something entirely different.

"Miss, you have a note just by your foot. I'm not sure if you are aware."

I glanced down and sure enough, just left to the peak of my heel was a peice of paper. It was folded neatly with my name written on the front in a handwriting I recognised, so as I did, I leant down slowly and pried the peice of paper from the cold floorboards.

When I opened it along the fold, I noticed the paper contained an advertisement, it listed our requirements for a new gardener and Ramallo had left a note along the bottom.

'Sent out this morning, applicants are given this adress to apply at.'

I sighed, it seemed to explain the prescence of this man at my doorstep.

"So, you're here to apply for the job?" I said still looking at what the advertisement had outlined.

"The...job?" he said rather slowly, as if he were processing my words individually.

"Yes, the new gardener? You're here to apply for that are you not?" I said looking up at him.

It seemed all of his tough exterior had melted away in that moment and he ran his fingers through his brown hair rather nervously.

"Yes, I'm here to apply for the job."

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