Chapter 12- Time Running Out (47 days to go)

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I picked up the plate in a waitressing style and walked through into where the dining area is. Violetta had already put a few plates there ready.

"Vilu, the cakes finished do you want some?" I said trying my best not to burst with anxiety.

"Oh yeah and Angie, German's here!" she said as she came though with him beside her.

"Perfect timing German. I've just finished the cake and it's ready to eat. Would you like some?"

German smiled, "I'd love some, is this hot chocolate fudge cake?"

I nodded, "How did you know?"

"It smells just like one a friend of mine used to bake it. She was an excellent baker, her goods were supermarket standard."

I laughed, trying to hide the anxiety, "Well, I hope mine is equally as good. Here."

I passed both him and Violetta a slice before taking one myself.

"So, do you like it?" I asked.

"Like it? I love it! It's brilliant, I haven't had this in ages so it was a real treat. You honestly make this job well... it just doesnt seem like a job."

I smiled, "I'm glad. I believe that work is supposed to be enjoyable and the people you work with are family."

German smiles, "Yeah, family."

"And because everyone is like family to us, you have to come to my birthday party!" cried Violetta.

"Have you finally organised everything with Ramallo?" I asked as she is keeping the party a surprise from me.

Violetta nodded, "You will come won't you German?"

German smiled, "I'd be honoured to."

Violetta smiled, "Well the party is in eighteen days!"

"What?" I said shocked, "But your birthday isn't for fourty- something days?"

Violetta smiled, "I'm going away with U-Mix remember? And the tour with them has been extended which means we fly back on my birthday instead of five days before and I don't want a party after my birthday as I'll be tired when we return so Ramallo organised the party two days before we leave for the tour."

German smiled, "Sounds like your life is manic."

"Mine is, Angie's isn't. She really needs a boyfriend."

My face drained white, "Violetta! We've discussed this."

German just laughed, "Kids eh? I best go start on the marigolds, thank you for the cake."

"No problem." I said still mortified.

German left and Violetta turned to me.

"I'm changing the dedline. German is coming to my party, but will he be coming as your boyfriend? That's something else. You've got eighteen days."

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