Chapter 9- Change of Plan (48 days to go)

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I came home a little later then I had anticipated so when I got home at five after a long but rewarding day of meetings, I dashed upstairs to get changed. I needed something clean on if we were going out for dinner so I pulled on my favourite floral dress and a different pair of feather earrings that suited it better.

I was worried that I could miss whatever reservation Vilu would have made so I was rushing, but I got downstairs, ready for our girls night out, to find Violetta no where.

I rang her phone but she never picked up.

After multiple attempts I just sat down and waited to see if she would turn up, although I was worried. After around an hour of waiting, there was a knock on the door.

I hurried towards it, but I didn't find Violetta at the door, it was Nathan.

"Have you seen Violetta?" I said before anything else.

"No, why is she mising?" he asked worriedly.

"I don't know where she is." I said panicking "And if you are not here for that, the why are you here at this hour?"

Nathan smiled, "Now that I have an answer for."

He held up a box that had been sitting at his side.

"It has some gardening stuff in. Violetta was telling me what she wanted and well, I happened to have spare so I brought them. I figured it would be more of a surprise to bring them when she least expects to see me."

I melted. He'd come to give Vilu a gift.

"Well, come in, you can stay if you'd like so you can surprise her still."

Nathan smiled. Something about him wasn't quite right, but then again, I was drawn to him.


He put the box on the table before he turned to face me properly.

When he did, he stopped. His eyes were locked on me and I could have sworn my whole being blushed.

"You... you look stunning."

I looked down at my dress and was suddenly so grateful for wearing it.

"Thank you."

"But, you have a bit of hair loose." he said smiling.

I quickly moved my hand to where he was looking to try and fix it, but he laughed.

"No, no. Here, I've got it."

Nathan stepped directly in front of me and I could feel his breath against my cheek as he fixed my hair. I began to breathe heavily as I realised how close he was. It was intimidating but I welcomed it.

Before anything else could happen, the door swung open.

Nathan quickly took a step back, but Violetta stood beside us with a massive grin on her face. She had seen.

"Angie, I'm so sorry I'm late, my phone died at the studio but we had more re-hearsals and- and I'm so sorry."

"Vilu, it's okay, I'm just glad you're okay. I was so worried."

"Apparently not that worried, got distracted easily at least." I heard her say under her breath.


Violetta's head shot up when she realised I'd heard.

"Uhh, so yeah anyway, I've got to go back to the studio, for one last rehersal, I just came back to grab my charger and tell you I can't make dinner."

"That's fine Vilu, I've got some-"

"No!" yelled Violetta, "No work! You can still go!"

"On my own?" I said with a small laugh

"No." said Violetta, giddy with excitement, "German can go with you."

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