Chapter 14- Unwanted Guests (17 days to go)

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German looked at me worried.

"What's going on?"

I had not imagined to be in this situation right now and I was not prepared for it.

"Pablo, my-my..."

The words wouldn't come out of my mouth.

"Your what?" he asked seeming worried.

I leant against the door for support and let out a breath. I was on the verge of tears.

"My-y e-ex-boyfriend."

German's eyes went wide.

"And he's a problem?"

I nodded and German came closer to me, so we were just inches apart.

"Let's iliminate him like a weed then."

German hooked his arms around my waist immediately and pulled me towards the door.

I was trying to resist it, but he was determined and I wasn't going to fight from his embrace. Firstly because he is much stonger then me, but mostly because I craved his touch.

German swung open the door and sure enough Pablo was leaning against the wall in his cocky manner, as I had expected. When I loved him, I thought this was a quirky touch, but now, I realise it's just pure arrogance.

"So you finally decided to open the door?" he said, completely ignoring German, "What took you so long?"

My throat tightened and I couldn't speak. I felt German squeeze me slightly tighter.

"She had to speak to me before seeing you." he said, staring at Pablo in disgust.

"Why would she need to do that?" asked Pablo, arrogant as always.

"In our relationship there are no secrets, so she came to speak with me before speaking to you." said German with complete confidence.

He was weaving a web of lies in an instant and I was tangled in them.

"Relationship? With you? I doubt that." said Pablo, laughing.

German just smiled.

"You can think what you want, but you can stay away from now on. This conversation is over now and you are leaving."

Pablo just laughed, but German slammed the door directly in his face.

The moment we were indoors and I could no longer see his face, everything that had happened hit me like a ton of bricks and I broke down.

I sobbed and fell to the floor in a ball at German's feet.

I felt weak, like someone had just clawed at me from the inside.

I stayed there for what felt for eternity, but I was dragged back to reality when I felt German lift me up.

His arms wrapped around me as he carried me to the sofa and I didn't resist. I couldn't resist, my emotions had paralysed my being.

German sat on the sofa and he dropped me on to him. I instintively dropped my head into his chest and continued crying, but with his hand moving along my back reassuringly and him whispering in my ear, I soon stopped.

When I was reduced to only a sniffle every occasionally, he spoke.

"You shouldn't let him break you like that."

I held back my tears as best as I could.

"I can't help it. He took my heart and he threw it to the floor. It shattered into a million peices and I no longer have the strengh to pick up all the peices."

German leaned his face closer to my ear and whispered.

"I'll pick them up then."

I let out a small laugh.

"There are a lot of peices."

German just smiled at me.

"I got lots of time."

"Why would you help me?"

"I owe you."

I rubbed my eyes and snuggled into him a little more.

"Don't be stupid."

German laughed.

"I do."

"Well don't do it for that reason." I said, rather annoyed at him for- for- well for being nice. 

"Okay then, I'll do it for the other reason."

I moved my head so I was face to face with him.

"What's that?"

He smirked, "It's kind of selfish."

"What?" I said but he just laughed, "What? Tell me!"

German leaned in closer to me so he could whisper.

"I want to do it, because it means I get to spend more time with you. I get to make you smile. I get to be closer to you."

My heart beat a million miles a minute and I took another leap of faith.

I began to lean in to kiss German, but he pulled back.

My heart immediatley sank and I looked down in embarrassment.

"I'm- I'm sorry, I-"

German cut me off by lifting up my chin to face him.

"No, no. Don't be sorry."

"I just thought-" That didn't sound right, "It's just-"

German put his finger to my mouth.

"No, you're right. I want to kiss you."

I was so confused.

"More than anything actually, but not right now, because you're not all right and that's just taking advantage."

"You-" I didn't know what to say.

German smiled weakly.

"I don't want to take advantage of you, even though it's killing me not to kiss you."

I lay back down on his chest, not knowing what else to do and he squeezed me reassuringly.

"Thank you."

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