Chapter 3- Names (50 days to go)

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I stared down at the application form once again and gulped.

His name was German.

I smiled politely at him, but the look of discomfort was obviously plastered along my face.

"Is there an issue with my application?" he said, his voice was rather firm, but also had a soft tone somewhere in it.

"No, no." I said shaking my head., "Everything is in order."

I smiled at him again but he just watched me, observing me as if I were his prey.

Carefully, slowly, precisely.

I felt like I should turn away and break the eye contact we had, but something drew me towards him, something made me stare back.

Before I could consider why I felt this way though, he broke the silence.

"Can I ask how I've caused discomfort Miss?" he said rather firmly, but sounding apologetic also.

I sighed, "It's nothing you can do, it's something that bothers me, it's a minute problem and won't affect your application."

I was lying through my teeth and somehow I think he knew.

"I can see it's bothering you and that it's clearly not something you are happy with. If I can help, I will." he said sincerely.

I nodded, "You'll think I'm pathetic, but I've only ever known one person by the name of German and the things he did to my family, they're unspeakable. I looked at your name and... I know this will sound crazy, but I panicked that you could be him."

The man shook his head.

"You're not crazy, in fact, I completely understand. I don't want my name causing you issues, so perhaps if you prefer, you could use my nickname. It's not something I'd usually say to a possible boss, but in this case, I suppose it seems.... easier."

I thought about this for a moment, he seemed like a reasonable man and this was a reasonable offer.

"Okay, what's your nickname?" I said looking up at his soft brown eyes that seemed to have become more inviting.

"Nathan. My middle name is Nathanial, so my parents used to call me Nathan." he stated, running his fingers through his hair.

I smiled, "That's cute."

I think I saw him blush, but if he did, it was only for a millisecond.

"Childhood nicknames will haunt you forever." he says looking down.

"I know." I said with a small laugh, "I've experienced the horrors."

He smiled, "Don't tell me you had a nickname like Angie-Pangie?"

I grunted, "No! My nickname was quite cute, but it meant I was mocked at school."

German, who was now Nathan to me, looked intrigued, "But how could they mock an angel like you?"

My eyes went wide, "Angel was my nickname! That's what they'd say! How do you know that!"

Nathan burst out laughing, "Sometimes it's pure luck when things like this happen."

I smiled, "I know, it's very lucky that you got it so easily."

Nathan smiled, but he seemed withdrawn, "The whole situation is very lucky for me."

I smiled back politely, not completely understanding what he was saying, but I was distracted too because a voice screamed in my head. My sub-concious was attacking me with a single thought.

'Perhaps it could be lucky for you too.'

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