Chapter 26- Not a Date (8 days to go)

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I signed the line on the sheet in frount of me and before I knew it a million articles of food was before me.

Olga insisted on preparing all the food for Violetta's birthday.

Her ingredients had arrived and my foyer had disappeared.

I didn't know what to do with it, so I just decided to leave it where it was.

Everyday was more confusing and I didn't need to move everything and confuse Olga too.

I'd fallen for him hard and part of me thinks German cares for me too but he never seems to take final steps to prove it... He always cuts it short.

Maybe I'm wrong.

I was wondering about all of this when I heard his voice.

"Weekly shop eh? Olga went a little overboard."

I laughed and turned to face him.

"Party supplies."

He smiled, "I know."

I smiled and dropped onto the sofa as he flicked through the bags.

"You still haven't invited me to the party either."

I laughed at his remark.

"You live here, automatically, you are invited."

He smirked, "You need to ask me though."

"No I don't!" I replied laughing.

He smirked at me.


I rolled my eyes.

"You can't be serious."

He looked at me with a steely gaze.

"I'm deadly serious."

I sighed, "Well I don't get what you mean."

German smirked, "What's not to get, me, you, date."

I could feel my cheeks reddening, "Sure. Why not."

German smiled and tossed something at me.

A date fell at my side.

"That's a..." I stopped.

"Date. You said you wanted one."

I rolled my eyes, "You're insane."

He smirked at me, "Now we've finished with them, I need to ask, I need a dance partner for the party."

I laughed.

"So," he continued, "You. Me."

I jumped up and grabbed a date from the bag.


German picked up a different date and tapped it against mine, like two glasses.


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