Chapter 1

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Tom's POV

It was just after church and my father had been talking to the staff. My father was the priest of our church. My mother died long ago, I don't think I remember even a thing about her. 

But anyway, I was just sitting outside with 'Tommy bear' playing with him on a blanket on the grass. My father told me that I should put a blanket down to avoid getting dirty while playing. It was on the breach of becoming noon and I was becoming a little bored. My father was taking longer than usual. I was usually very patient but at the moment I just felt restless. I lay back on the blanket looking up at the sky. Birds flew above me and the clouds shaped as they moved along. There was even the odd butterfly.

One of them stood out in particular but. It was red, blue, purple and green. I was mesmerised by the bright colours and was too blinded by it's beauty to realise I was following it across the long gardens of the church and along into a small forest. I tripped and fell head first into the dirt. It was only then I agnolaged that I was lost. The butterfly had disappeared and
my face was all scruffy from the fall. I started panicking and crying, yelling out for help through the trees. I pulled myself up and continued to sob.

Suddenly a beam of light appeared in front of me. My eyes widened, still with tears piling up in them. Through the light showed a young boy with brown hair, a white cloak and a green sweater. He also had a cross symbol on each cheek and a bright glowing halo above his head. He was smiling at me. I was confused and a little scared but tried to act brave. He held out his hand to me and I hesitatingly take it. There was another beam of light, around us this time. I couldn't stop staring at the boy. The light flashed and before I knew it I was back at the church. I was so amazed and I hugged the strange boy tightly then quickly grabbed Tommy bear from the blanket and ran off back inside to see my father and how far he was with talking.

When I got inside he was just making his way out. He saw me and emediatly  frowned. I remembered that I had gotten all dirty from the forest and let my face down in shame. He shook his head and walked up to me, taking my hand and walking me back home.

"What did I tell you about playing in the grass?!" He said firmly while running me a bath. He was a good father. He took care of me and dedicated a lot of time to me. I could tell it was hard for him though, so I tried to behave as much as I could. I felt so guilty for following that butterfly, but the boy I met...who was he? He looked like and angel! It was amazing! I decided to tell my father what had happened.

"I know father, and I will not do it again." I said walking into the bathroom with Tommy bear. He knelt down to me and started helping me take my clothes off and then picked me up, placing my down gently in the warm bath. "But father I saw an angel!" He was in the middle of grabbing a sponge when I said this and he stopped and froze up completely. I grinned widely and he looked to me. "Really? That's not possible..." He said grabbing the sponge and starting to wash my face. "No really I did! He had a bright halo and was glowing! He even had the saviours cross on each cheek!" I said, beaming. My father raised an eyebrow. "How did you find this 'angel'?" He asked. "Well you see, there was this really colourful butterfly so I followed it and it flew into a forest past the church grounds and I fell in there which made me all dirty and then I saw I was lost but like the braaavvee boy I am I tried to find my way out but then the angel came and helped me and ge brought me back here!" I said, slightly changing the story to make it sound like I wasn't crying. He

"Waaaw! I'm proud of you for not freaking out, but next time don't go running off to places you don't know please...if someone didn't come to hel-I mean...if the angel didn't come to help then you would have been stuck there!" He had finishing cleaning me. I nodded and he pored water over my head to rinse me off, causing my spiky  hair to fall over my eyes. I giggled and felt hands under my arms pick me up and put me down on a soft towel. Then get rapped in one as well. I flipped my hair back so I could see and ran to me bedroom with my soaking wet Tommy bear and wrapped in the soft towel.

"Do you need help getting dressed?" My dad called to me. "NO, I'M GONNA DO IT THIS TIME!" I said all smug. I heard him laugh and then go down the stairs. I got ready and then started trying to dry off Tommy bear.

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