Fabulous Matt

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"But Eddddd! Killing stuff is like the only fun thing to do!" Said a tall young boy with an odly shaped chin that stood in front of me. He had demonic clothing on and two tiny horns sticking out his head.
"Matt we've went over this. No killing outside the underworld!" Said the voice from behind me again. I was too terrified to turn my head round to see who it was though. "Don't you feel bad for the poor things!?" The voice continued. The boy in front of me - who I'm guessing is Matt - huffed with a bored and unimpressed expression and crossed arms. I just sat there, petrified and barely breathing never mind anything else.

I heard high pitched yelling and footsteps thumping in the trees and suddenly Tord ran through with a big stick flailing his free hand in the air. "GET YOUR UGLY UNCLEAN SCUMBAG EVIL ODLY SOFT BUT STILL  INSULTINGLY DISGUSTINGG LOOKING HANDS AWAY FROM HIM!!!" He screamed and leaped on 'demon boy'. Tord kept kicking and tugging but even with that the demon boy didn't show any reaction nor even seemed to notice. I felt a gust of wind from behind me and another young boy with...wings!? He flew over me as if I wasn't there and straight to Tord. He gently scooped him up and put him back down by me. He turned to me with this 'what just happened' look and I just looked back at him with my watery black voids I call eyes.

"I sincerely apologise, young children. We shall leave you be now." Said the boy with the wings. His hair was chocolate brown and was wearing a white cloak. He also had simbles tatooed onto his cheeks and a halo. Familiar... I thought. The other sighed. "I guess we have to...ugh it's not fair! My beautiful face deserves to be anywhere I want." He said in a sassy tone. "I'll tell Satan you think that." Chuckled angel boy. "NO NO NO! Don't uh...don't do that! No need to go tell him! Heh..." Demon boy said with a nervous laugh.

"Excuse me but I think you ow Thomas a cleaning before you hurry off to whatever hell you came from." Tord said with an annoyed tone. I couldn't help but snigger. I wiped my tears off my face and saw that I had wiped some of the rabbit guts on my sleeve. I stuck my sleeve in Tords face and he quelled like a little girl. "Ewwwww stop!" He playfully said in a high pitched voice.

Angel boy clicked his fingers and we both spun right round to face the two other boys. Angel boy suddenly didn't look so...Angel...and stared at us with a very demon looking expression. Maybe even more demon looking than the - I'm guessing - actual demon standing right next to him. "Number one, if you are going to ask someone something, don't go off chatting to someone else before the question can be answered." He said in a darker and more serious tone. I blinked with my eyes wide from how tense the situation had gotten that fast. His eyes were glitching between its normal emerald green to a vivid red and his halo was balancing uneasily on his head. Both me and Tord nodded our heads understand. You could see though through Tords eyes how much he hated being told what to do by some meir 'boys' that looked around our age, but I guess he was just too frightened at the moment. Suddenly the boy changes back to normal with a smile on his face.

"But anyway, of course! Here's some water to rinse it, just cup your hands." He said in a now pretty sweet sounding voice. This confused me, the fact he was suddenly all happy and that cuping my hands would do anything. But I still did as he said. He smiled as water magically began to fill my hands. My face lit up in amazement and Tord gazed in a mix of emotions. I splashed the water on my face and rubbed the blood and gore away, finally both half drying my face and half wiping any remaining mess. "Thank you, I appreciate it." I said kindly to which he gave a simple pat on the heart as if to say 'awww no problem'.

"Ok, yes I'm bored here now can we go back?" Moaned devil boy slouching and tugging on angel boys white cloak. "Fine ok, let's go. I'm Edward Gold - angel of protection in training, but everyone just calls me Edd. And this is my friend Matt Hargreed - demon of greed in training. It was nice to meet you again Thomas." He explained with a sigh as he opened his wings to fly away. Matt somehow just grew wings as well and wooshed up into the air. Edd was about to take off as well, but Tord grabbed his hand and looked at him dead in the eye. "Wait you and Tom already know each other!?" He near yelled to him.

"Oh Thomas knows me, he always has and always will." Were his last words before braking Tords grip and flying into the air, following Matt.

THANK YOU ALL FOR READING THIS FAR! Also sorry for taking a while to update, school's just started again and it's kinda just been drowning me in work. Heh...and also my keyboard has been a glitchy peace of useless rubbish lately do I apologise for any of the spelling mistakes.
Thanks y'all c ya!


Why not a small bonus...

Me and Matt continued flying looking down over the land as it moved beneath us. "You know edd, I find it quite offencive that you called me 'demon of greed' since I really am the demon of pure handsomness. Not like that Mark guy is any more perfect than me anyway..." He said with folded arms.

"Oofffff course you are..."

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