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He was falling, crying out as if anyone would help him. As if someone could catch him from falling, falling down the long cliff face. Out of nowhere, the angel came soaring down and caught Tom from underneath, embracing him as he flew back to where Tom's feet had just left. Tom tried to calm himself down after the trauma of what had just happened, although the sight of Matt did not help at all.

"MATT!!" He yelped as he sprinted over the bare plain and to the unconscious demon. His wing had been torn right off, all of his clothes completely wrecked. A thick black blood like liquid ran down Matt's side into a puddle on the ground.

Tom held his limp face, examining it. He saw the same black sludge running down from his eye. It was like the tasteless black substance Tom would also choke up when he went into transformation. Tom cautiously and delicately held this fingers at Matt's eyelids, pulling them back.

He leaped and cowered back with a shriek, squirming a little. Matt's eye was gone. A lifeless hole leading right to the devil is all Tom saw in those few seconds. He just bowed over, desperately praying as his heart hung low inside him. Edd appeared beside Matt, sighing softly. "Tord ran off secretly." He said simply, falling back into silence and picking Matt up.

"We should get you back to the church-" "How could you do that?" Tom cut him off, looking back up at him. "Tom, there was no way of getting through to Matt-" "No, no Edd. You didnt need to tear him apart. You didnt need to be such a two face either. Tord was...a little accurate. You do snap...its a little scary honestly. As if you hide behind this angel mask. Your lovely, have helped and saved me multiple times. But just like this, just like so many other things that have happened in the past, you hide something dark. I dont know what it is, but I dont want to be part of it." Tom explained, raising back to his feet and looking the tall angel dead in the eye.

Edd was shocked, he didnt know what to say. "Tom I'm...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, you're right." He looked down biting his lip, thinking over his actions. "Tom, please, I know I've done wrong, but please give me a chance...please. I swear I wont snap again, I promise just please dont say your abandoning me. I finally found a human to watch over! Please!"

And so they went on, Tom eventually gave into Edds pleads. The day was over and Edd took Tom back home. He didnt sleep that night, or the night after.

Tord was gone. He might never sleep again in all honesty.

Matt gradually recovered having to wear a bandage round his forehead and across his eye. He never showed his remaining wing. He kept it hidden under a black cloak. He kept a small grudge against Edd ever since, he understood why Edd had done it, but I guess you can understand he still wasnt quite happy. He never really was himself after that. Very moody and sarcastic, he never smiled either.

Tord had abandoned Matt, meaning he had detatched him as a guardian. They might never find Tord again. For the most part, they were glad. Obviously the true Tord they knew wasnt coming back, Tom even questioned if he was ever there to begin with. His own life was a mess. Things where so unexpected. He didnt know anything else to cling onto but God's hope. His faith was a last resort.

His father passed away, church old and mistreated. It was in desperate need of a clean up, but Tom just didn't have the money. No funds, nothing. The world was changing outside of Tom's small crowded world, constantly fighting the demons.

It went on for years, he slowly got used to it. Living like this was part of his life now sadly. He didnt mind, not anymore anyway. He had almost forgotten about Tord. Having Matt and Edd and the few believers who needed final faith in their purpose on this earth, was just enough for the priest.


I tripped on a pebble, landing flat on my face. I felt my nose burst and blood ran down to my lip. Groaning I staggered back to my feet and continued to run. Panting, I heard the heavy footsteps and rustling of heavy clothes behind me. He was the last of them I needed to somehow get off my tail. I desperately shot my eyes round to find anything at all that could help me out. I dodged past trees, throwing off my long hooded cloak to make it easier to run. It flew back in hit direction and the heavy fabric drew him unsteady. Soon he was at a stop, uncovering it from his face, but by that time I had disappeared behind a big bush. I heard him curse out and and stomp back the way they had both came. I still sat there, hyperventilating. I silently squealed in pride as I relaxed.

The chase was over, I just need to stay hidden until it was time. Looking around, I noticed how familiar the forest was. Looking at a rock and biting my bottom lip as my smile dropped. I'm going to get ripped to shreds if I stay anywhere near here...

I made my way through the memorised invisible path, seeing the tall arched building through the leaves. Making my way to the entrance, I started to crouch, oh so lightly pushing open the large creaky doors. They where very easy to open now that I was stronger. My green cardigan looked a mess, completely torn and dirty. Plus my trousers where drenched. I never honestly liked green anyway. I tiptoed through to the large hall, almost cringing at how awful it looked. It used to be such a lovely and beautiful place to be, you always felt so- no. It doesn't matter. Its not-

"Oi! Who goes there?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2019 ⏰

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