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I sat alone in the small room, sobbing to myself silently. The only thing echoing round the bare walls was the sniffling from my now runny nose. I didn't even have a hanky to clean it with. I had been sitting here for over an hour now. I started to wonder why in the world she put me down here. I just kept telling myself it was to recover, whatever that weird demon thing wad would leave me soon, or the curse affect or something. I don't know...

I felt a sudden weight over my head and shoulders, as if someone had dumped water over me. The feeling went down through my chest and disappeared, seeing some kind of ash or dust go with it. I realised that all my strange growths had vanashed, catching the last of my sharp claws disintegrate away. My face lit up as I shot up on my feet, clearing my tears away and sprinting back to the door.

I started banging on it again, yelling things like "I'M OK AGAIN!" and "I'M NORMAL AGAIN YOU CAN LET ME OUT!". No answer, no sounds, just dead silence from the other end. My smile drooped away as I stumbled back on my butt. I stared up at the door, not believing this and trying to keep myself still wasn't really working.

"They're gone, they can't hear you because they left." Came another familiar voice from behind. I looked over my shoulder to see Matt in a cross legged position upside down on the celing. "But...w-why?" I asked sheepishly. He sighed and shrugged. "The police are investigating the church, taking that the those two guys  literally shot most of its staff. The rest have been driven out as they search I guess." I looked down sadly, thinking for a moment. Then shortly looked back up at him, turning my whole body to face him this time. "What about Tord?" I asked. He smiled proudly and fell from were he hung down to the ground, landing a little off his balance but fixing himself quickly.

"BEHOLD A NEW TRICK MY FATHER TAUGHT ME!" He explained in a posh and powerful voice. He pulled out a small hair from his pocket and blew out onto it, black fog coming out and ingulfing the hair. It deformed and twisted round the object as it let out strange sounds that were very alien to me, so very unfamiliar infact it scared me a little. The foggy smoke stuff just shot out, scattering out so much it just disappeared. What stood in its place was a nauseous Tord who nearly fell over from how dizzy he felt. I scrambled to my feet and hugged him tight.

"WooAAhh who are yOu?" He said his voice a little uneven. "It's Tom stupid" I giggled. "OhhHhh I see, hehe I feel wEiRd..." He sounded a little sick. I looked over at Matt as he stood there all smug. I rolled my eyes and pulled away from Tord, his posture clearly stating he was feeling a little better.

"AHHHH I SHALL SAVE YOU DEAR FRIENDS" Edd yelled appearing out of nowhere and grabbing us both. My eyes widened in surprise but it was even worse for Tord as he was feeling weird from being "summoned". Edd's wings opened up and then powerfully shooting up through the building leaving a huge hole in each floor. "AHHH NO MY FUTURE CHURCH" I screeched looking down at it. It wasn't long til Matt shot up through the building too except making his own holes. I screeched again, Tord hushing me as he held his ears.

I noticed the police shoot round to the new damage and start calling up all sorts of things and pulling up they're guns probably thinking it was a gut or a bomb. I face palmed as Edd nervously laughed but Matt didn't seem to care. He just kinda watched it with a smirk. After a moment of just looking down on them they started to both fly away with us, Matt grabbing Tord since Edd was beginning to truggle.

"Hey...where are we going?" Tord asked. "Ah yes! Our hideout." Edd replied and Matt nodded. "OoOoo sounds interesting!" I commented with a smile. Tord shrugged. "Eh, as long as it isn't one of those lame small stick ones." Matt laughed at this. "Trust me, it's much more than one of your human hideouts." Edd smiled at the thought, doing this cool loop in the air causing me to feel queezy. "Oh I can't wait to show you!" He explained excitedly.

We flew over a large cliff type thing until a forest came into view, I took aware of my surroundings for no reason in particular to be honest. I just felt it was important. Flying was really fun...Until we started to land. Now that was just terrifying. We circled down throw the tree's safely and smoothly but it was still heart racing to be going down this fast.

"Ahh I just can't wait."

House of Sins (Blessworld)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora