lost in a forest

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Me and Tord have been best friends ever since I found him. I've been helping him with his English and the nuns are taking care of him like my brother! I introduced him to my father and for some reason he doesn't trust him...but I know Tord us a good person so I never take much of it. I see him as family and so does the rest of the church.

It was autumn time and all the beautiful warm coloured leaves skatered over the grounds. Me and Tord were outside playing outside late in the afternoon. We played with the leaves and Tord even colected some. He told me lots of stuff about trees and even taught me how you can measure how old a tree was! We rolled down the hill and saw who could get down the fastest. We did it on the small hill by the forest since it was the only place steep enough. We looked on into the forest for a little bit, watching for squirrels and maybe even some birds.
"I bet I can win rolling down the hill this time," I said with a smug smile.
"NUH UH! I beat you before and I can beat you again!" Tord said, playfully punching my shoulder and springing up then running back to the top of the hill. I giggled and followed. We lay down on our sides next to each other. Tord counted down and I prepared myself to push off, gathering up lots of energy to attempt on going super sonic speed! Well not that fast but...as fast as Christ rose up to heaven. And let me tell you, Heaven is high! And he got there in seconds!

"GO!" Tord yelled witch startled me slightly as I had been lost in thought I forgot he was counting. I saw him start rolling and panicked, uneasily rolling down the hill. I went slightly off and went tumbling through the forest and into a bush. This reminds me of something...I heard fast scruffy footsteps from behind me, the leaves crumpling beneath the feet. It was Tord, he helped me out the bush and brushed me off. I held my jaw as I had slightly hurt it when I fell.
"Thomas are you ok!?" Tord asked hugging me. I was holding back tears from my aching jaw and slightly scuffed arms and knees. I tried being strong and stood up braking Tords hug and smiling.
"I-I'm fine, don't worry." I reassured him. He let out a sigh of relief and looked round.
"Woah...I've never actually been in here before...," He started, very interested in his surroundings. "WAIT I SAW A SQUIRREL!" He yelled and began to run after whatever he saw.
"TORD STOP!" I yelled after him but he didn't stop. Before I knew it he was out of sight, somewhere a mung the tall trees and bushes. I started to nervously walk through the forest, feeling twigs snapping and leaves crunching as I took each step. I shivered, from both fear and the cold. Night wad beginning to fall, the sun starting to set. I thought of what my godmother would think, having us disappear so late. How worried everyone would be. But first I have to find Tord, he can't be left here alone.

As I continued walking I noticed some kind of small black heap on the ground. I walked towards it, kneeling down by it's side to see what it was. The moment I realised I jolted backwards, startled at seeing a dead crow in the middle of the forest. I guess its not that abnormal since it us a bird in a forest after all, but it wasn't  dead from "the circle of life" as you may call it. Something seemed to have murdered it in some way. It had just one wound in its chest and one muffled wing. I heard something rummaging through a nearby pile of leaves. I frantically picked up a stick  and brought it up over my head, ready to strike if something springs out. More rummaging and I grew more scared by the second.


Then suddenly...

It was a rabbit. I dropped the stick and laughed a bit, reassuring myself it was all fine. I plumped myself down on the ground by the bunny, watching as it's nose twitched and it's ears listened.

Suddenly the bunny just exploded, scattering blood all over me. U screamed and scrambled up against a tree in tears, still screaming as I hugged my legs. I was staring at where the bunny had just exploded, seeing a syth planted into the ground there. Then suddenly a black figure emerged from the shadows.

"MATT THAT'S ENOUGH!" Cried a voice from behind me.

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