SUDDEN destruction

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"TORD! I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!" Edd yelled across the plain green land. "LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!" Maybe half a kilometer away stood the blank faced man, staring right at him with cold eyes. Everywhere around them was empty, apart from Tom who stood only a couple of steps away from the long cliff drop. His back was to the fall, watching with hurtful emotions at the drama that played before him. Edd was tense, wings widely spread as the usual bright light coloured aura that surrounded him gloomed. His halo cracked, spreading darkness down his body and you could see the burning fury in his eyes. Tord merely stood lazily, not showing a hint of fright. You could even say he didn't listen at all. "MATT, GET HERE NOW." He yelled out in no specific direction. Edd growled, furrowing his eyebrows. A few seconds passed before there was a huge gust of wind hitting everyone as Matts huge wings lowered him down. He landed with a loud thump, being a tall heavy demon. He looked round, seeing the entrance to the cave gone. Well- the mountain wall completely collapsed over as well along with half the forest decimated. He stared at it with confusion, not believing what he saw.

"What...happened?" He asked, turning back round to the three of them. Tom gulped, looking down. Edd just kept his glare on Tord, him grinning. Tord knew Matt would be most hurt by knowing what had happened. He wanted the other two to explain, it would be amusing to see Matts reaction to his best friend - since as long as the demon could remember - destroying their childhood home. The only place that kept him the slightest bit different from the rest of the unholy creatures. It had been his only place to express himself with his friends, free from his fathers will. To see it blown away to crumbled pieces would be soul shattering. And why had Edd done this? Because Tord had told people about it, so many people about this sacred place that soon they'd all storm in and explore what was inside. Including the pathways to both hell and heaven. He could never let that happen, no. He couldn't let humans find it, it was too much for the great or good. So, he destroyed it all. Why did Tord tell everyone? Simple, He despised Edd. He didn't want anything to do with him. He was always calm, caring, loving, and pitiful. You know he was even so much more, defensive, open minded, loyal...yet when something displeases him, he turns into the exact opposite. It's like his whole character is almost fake. He's kept his hate a secret ever since he met him all those years ago, until right to this point in present day. Now they might turn on each other, now they could beat each other to the ground. It would be fun for him to watch. Call it brutal, but that's just Tord. Ones nature can not be changed.

"Edd...who did this?" Matt asked again, narrowing it on him. He bit his lip, staying silent to avoid the question. Matt frowned, annoyed and hurt. "Why wont anyone speek to me!?" He cryed out, wings twitching. "Because it" Tom finally said, voice soft and shaky. There was silence. The whistling from the waves of breeze adding to the unsettling atmosphere around them. Tords malicious smirk, Matts broken expression, Edds guilt hidden behind his anger, Tom's just pure fright, stunned at Tord and Edds behaviour. He was confused, a tragic emotion ripping through him yet he didn't have it in him to get mad at his 'friends'. Edd eventually sighed and looked to Matt with soft eyes. "Not him...just me. But- it was our only option! People were going to-" Before he could even finish his sentence, Matt had charged and clashed into him. Edd hurdled back forcefully, skidding across the ground until finally coming to a stop. He groaned in pain, catching the head of a large syth that could have impaled right through is skull. He took his free foot and kicked it out of Matts grip and far over the plain. It hit the ground with a cling, Tom rushing over and attemting to pick it up. "Matt I don't want to fight you! Please just listen!" Edd pleaded, standing up again. Matt snarled, glaring right into his eyes. "Well you're getting one ya sneeky unholy bugger! I SHOULD RIP THAT HALO RIGHT OFF YOU!"

As the two fought in the background, Tom continued just staring at the syth. It was way to big and heavy for him to actually use properly he thought, But he did need to make sure no one got it. As one of satans crafty weapons, it had the ability to harm both mortals, and ones from the worlds above. He couldn't let Matt or anyone reach it at this point. "Thomas. Leave it be." Tords firm voice came from behind him. Tom ignored him, leaning the tip of the handle on his shoulder and trying to hank it forward. He felt a hand on his shoulder, dropping the syth and spinning round to meet Tords gaze. "You know why I did this, you also know yourself how strange and unstable he is. I did this for us all." He explained in a lax tone. Tom looked to the ground in thought, shooting his gaze back up and punching Tord in the nose. "No, not like this. I'm not sure I even know you anymore. He didn't do anything to you, he never hurt you, he gave us a place away from the hell back at the church. He has even saved us multiple times! But you don't care do you, you don't agknowledge or accept anyone elses opinions or views but your own. Or at least not anymore..."

Tord jerked back, holding his nose and staring right at Tom in disbelief. "So I'm the bad guy now? You'd rather run off with your 'guardian angel'? I've been there for you so much more than that freek! I did this for you as well!" He bawled at him sharply. "Have we taught you nothing of peace!? Look around you! Tord wouldn't do this. Not my best friend, not that little boy I found in the dump, not the boy who saved me. I'm not afraid to fight for whats right, God doesn't like sinners." Tom spat. Tord sighed and grabbed his wrist agressivly, yanking Tom the the ledge of the long cliff drop, prepared to shove him off the edge. Toms eyes widened in horror and gasped. "You wont listen to be it. Guess they were right about that saying-"

"No witnesses."


DAMN FINALLY BACK! Sorry got school stuff and also witers block sucks. Btw this bit of the story is all a past thing, in the next chapter it will be all the effects of what Tord did and also a bit of an emotional surprize. Pluss Tord disappearing...Then after that it will be when Tord comes back h e h mk I got so many ides sry for the rant ANYWAY THX FOR READING AND BEING PATIENT! BYEEEEE FAM

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