play time

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We soared down, a bit quicker than I had planned. I nearly bumped into a tree on the way. It's not the easiest flying with such big wings. I mean, Matt has smaller wings that me and he still struggles more...that's just Matt though.

I managed to land safely, only just. I wish could say the same for Matt. He tumbles down, using his wings to protect Tord and they crashed into a big mountain wall. I hissed in empathy just thinking of how that could have hurt, Matt opening his wings and panting, letting the dizzy Tord roll off him. "Whyyy does this kEep happeninggg to mEee...!" Tord moaned. Tom let go of me and ran over to him, lending a hand to help him up.  I smiled at them and walked over to Matt, looking down on him and giggling. "Well looks like your improving!" I joked, seeing him pout and cross his arms. "C'mon let's go show them!" I chirped holding out my hand for him. He huffed and took it. I grunted and pulled him up, then jogged back over to the two other boys.

"So where is your "hideout"?" Tord questioned, looking round curiously. "Oh it's right through here." I said, pointing to a large cave opening in the same mountain wall Matt and him had crashed into. The two mortals turned to it and their eyes widened in a mixture of emotions. "IT'S SO BIG!" Tord cheered, not hesitating to run straight in. We laughed and ran after him, except for Tom. "Tom! You ok?" I yelled over to him from the entrance to the big black cave. "A-are you sure about this? It looks very dark and..." He trailed off, looking both nervous and a little embarrassed. I smiled in empathy, jogging back over to him and taking his hand. "Don't worry, I've got your back!" I cheered, swinging our arms as I held his hand. His face lit up a little, smiling sweetly back at me. "Thank you Edd..." He said, turning his attention back to the large opening of the cave. We began walking in, the sound of the two other boys's feet running down ahead and giggling was really all they had to follow to make sure they all stayed together. Although Tom could still see just about most of Edd due to the light shinning off his halo. It was pretty, Tom thought, it slightly slanted across his head. His father would have loved to see this right now.

Matt reached a big bolder, blocking off the rest of the cave. As soon as the others caught up, he held his hand out  carfully. Edd pulled Tord and Tom back a little, just being safe. A blood red flame lit in the palm of the demon boys hand, lighting the cavern up with a dim red aura. Shadows crept and shifted across the walls as the flame danced. It was small, yet powerful. "This is a...wait whats it called again-?" Matt asked, squinting his eyes a little. "Blood flame Matt, it's a blood flame." Edd sighed. "-Oh yeah, heh..Blood flame, it's one of the things satan uses to torture with. It's incredibly hot, but never actually burns anything- usually used as a way to boil human blood. It's actually really painful!" He blurted the last part a little excitedly. Tom stuck his nose up, sticking his tongue out in disgust and trying not to think about it. Tord honestly didn't seem to care that much. "But yeah, Me, my mother and Satan are the only ones who can use this so I made this one of the keys to our hideout! Cool right, it's really rare!" Edd chuckled, rolling his eyes and stepping forward. "Yeah yeah...I just use my symbols." He explained, holding his cheeks firmly, the symbolic tatooes imprinting on his hands and he placed them on the big bolder. Matt held the ball of fire to it as well, the whole rock beginning to grow a crimson orange. It cracked and shook, slowly just obliterating into nothing.

"WOOAAHHHH! THAT WAS SO COOL!" Tord squealed in awe. The root was soon clear and they all skipped through to a large grotto like space, filled with all sorts of mythical trinkets. There was a spot where a lot of beautifully sewed and designed pillows and blankets sat. Tord took a running start, leaping onto the pile with a playful smile. Matt and Edd followed him doing the same, giggles echoing through the wide room. Tom's attention turned to the decorations and gadgets, goods and all. His attention drew to one thing in particular, a big crozier standing leaning against the walls. He walked closer, the staff like symbolic item glimmering in the dim golden light that honestly Thomas had no idea where it came from. The light just added to how magical everything felt. He reached his hand out to touch it, edging closer and closer.

Suddenly, he snapped out of his gaze as Tord put a hand on his shoulder. He spun round, seeing him there and smiled a little. "Hey Tom, wanna come  listen to Edd's story? We're going round in a circle all telling tails! It's fun!" Tord chippered, his eyes gleaming. Tom glanced back at the cozier, then at Tord. A sweet look consumed Tom's face, nodding excitedly and they skipped back over to the others.

This warm feeling filled the room, it was nice. They liked it here, they're new second home.

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