New meet up

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*Two years later*

My father is now under the care of professionalists in the hospital in mid town. I visit him every weekend. I'm in school now and live with my godmother who's a nun at our church. I miss being with father though. But all I can do is pray at the moment. Pray for my fathers sins.

I skip down the street with Tommy in hand until I skip past an ally way. I hear a some rummaging from some of the bins and curiosity consumes me. I  walk down slowly and cautiously to the bin that's making all the racket. I carefully open the lid and peer inside. I'm suddenly frightened by a little boy springing up with a food rapper half hanging out his mouth. The boy had a scruffy and torn shirt and faded red shorts. He had a big scratch running from his right cheek down to his jawline, and one grey eye while the other was silver red. He looked at me confused then grabbed the lid of the bin and closed it again.

I stepped back, my hands in the air and my eyes wide.
"What just happened..." I said to myself. For some reason I felt this had happened before, but I shrugged it off. I knocked on the lid and and the boy sprang up again looking kinda annoyed this time. I nervously attempted to talk.
"Uhmm...hello there! M-My name is Thomas, who are you?"
The boy stared at me for a couple of seconds before going back into the bin.
"No no wait! Come ba-" I was cut off by the bin falling over on its side and the boy climbing out and stand up. He smiled at me and scratched the back of his head.
"Tord." He said in a strange accent.
"Oh...uh well nice to meet you..." I said holding out my hand out for a handshake. He tilted his head and slapped my hand not understanding the gesture. I pulled my hand back, thinking of what to do for a moment.
"Sooo...where are you from?" I asked trying to know more about him. He seemed lost in thought for a second but then snapped out of it.
"Norwegian." He said simply in that accent again. He seemed to not know much English.
"Hmmm...don't know where that is...but anyway! What are you doing here...eating out if a bin...?" I asked trying to be as approachable ad possible. He didn't seem to understand what I said so I tried again.
"Why, are, you, here?" I tried to say more simply, making hand gestures to help as well. He then pointed to the sky.
"I fall down. Big bird, metal." He said. It took me a moment to understand that he was talking about a plane. Did he fall out of the plane or did the plane crash and he survived? I pushed it aside and grabbed his hand.
"Come with me, I'll take you back to my church and get you cleaned up." I said smiling and ran back up to the church with Him. We reached it and I fell on the grass panting for I had ran my little legs all the way here without stopping. Tord on the other hand seemed completely fine. He sat on the grass next to me smiling. I sat up and looked over the Church gardens. I saw the multi coloured butterfly and raised an eyebrow at it. It landed on Tords nose and he sneezed. I laughed a little as it flew round past us and into the small forest by the church I had ran into two years ago. I sighed and stood up.
"C'mon now, let's go inside." I said, holding by hand out for Tord to help him up. He took it and stood up, then we both ran inside.

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