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He had a strange look on his face as he hovered above me. Everything just blurred around me as I gazed at him. "TORD TORD LOOK IT'S MATT!" I yelled to him while pointing at Matt. Tord turned and looked at him confused.

Suddenly I was grabbed from behind, the same tall man from before, this time holding a gun by his head. Tord practically screamed and Matt didn't seem to care at all. It was only then I snapped back into reality and found nearly everyone dead. I saw sister Veronica bleeding on the floor in the hallway, probably from trying to escape. Police sirens were heard in the distance. "Paul, lock the doors." He said ordered, Paul quickly following his command.

"Now. For those of you who are still alive, don't put up a fight as we try to take these kind boys and no one else will get hurt." Said the male currently holding me in his grasp. Tord attempted to make a run for it but Paul caught him. "Tord you know you need to." Came Pauls raspy voice. He looked away, clearly annoyed.

I was crying, nearly screaming. How did things turn so quickly? Why did I have to involve myself with these...these...HEATHENS! ? (LOL sorry I just had to say that XD)
Matt still just watched as this all played out. Well I guess he is a demon..."Matt please help!" I cried to him, too scared to move though as there was a gun up against my head. "Why?" He replied. I nearly broke right there but held myself back. The two partners just looked at each other confused, as they could not see Matt or anyone like that. I caught sight of the man holding me's name tag. What do they like belong to a cult?

Matt sighed, groaning and then raising his big syth above my head. He sung it down at me - Tord screamed - but the syth didn't slice through me, I felt a strange sensation though. After a few moments of feeling queezy and slightly sick suddenly there was a pain in my ears, gums, forehead, hands, torso, feet and just above my butt. My stomach began to twist and turn as I chocked up black gloopy liquid. The man you I saw's name us Patryk dropped me and stepped back, raising his gun at me. Tord looked petrified. I was in so much pain it was anbarable, I screamed and clutched the carpet beneath me. My vision began to change, I began to change.

The pain slowly faded and I panted heavily. I sat up and looked round, everyone was staring at me as if I had just murdered someone, but now Matt  was gone. I stared at Tord, trying to get it out of him why he seemed so terrified. I raised a shaky finger that pointed just back at me. I narrowed my eyebrows and looked down at myself. My eyes widened and I began freaking out. I ripped up the wooden flooring and knocked over handle stands and broke church benches. Paul and Patryk made a run for it, somehow dodging the police outside.

One of the remaining nuns seemed to just sigh though, as if it were nothing really. She just walked round picking up all the candles so they wouldn't set anything on fire. Tord just stood there watching, white faced and looked sick. He wasn't used to this...well I don't think anyone's used to this, well, eight year old children anyway.

I curled up in a ball in the corner, my brand new tail wagging up and down as a sign I was not happy. (Hehe like a cat) Tord walked up behind me, plopping down sitting there. He huffed and started to scratch my ear. This was really weird, but comforting somehow. (Oh hell he acting like a cat now XD wtf this has turned into some kind of neko story or something lol) He smiled, trying to distract people from what had just happened. It wasn't really working in that sense but really did make a few smile. "Your like a demon kitty now!" He said squishing my cheeks. I pouted childishly and hugged him. He hugged back tightly. "I'm so happy you're back..." I said with a small smile. "Yeah...even if my parents did sign me up to train for the red cult, I'd still choose you." He stated in a happy tone.


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