Chapter 2

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Just before I went to bed I knelt down by the side of my bed to pray. I prayed for jesus Christ and for my father, and for everyone to live happy. I did this every night. I finished and climbed into bed and pulled over my covers, snuggling up with Tommy bear. I slowly drifted to sleep and entered my wonderful dream land. But it wasn't the same.

I skip down the street with Tommy in hand until I skip past an ally way. I hear a some rummaging from some of the bins and curiosity consumes me. I  walk down slowly and cautiously to the bin that's making all the racket. I carefully open the lid and peer inside. I'm suddenly frightened by a little boy springing up with a food rapper half hanging out his mouth. The boy had a scruffy and torn shirt and faded red shorts. He had a big scratch running from his right cheek down to his jawline, and one grey eye while the other was silver red. He looked at me confused then grabbed the lid of the bin and closed it again.

I stepped back, my hands in the air and my eyes wide.
"What just happened..." I said to myself. Then the world completely changed around me and I was hanging off the edge of a cliff. I screamed and looked down and and bellow me was the angel I saw today holding his arms out to catch me. I closed my eyes and let go, falling into his arms. Then everything switched again and I was the one carrying someone. I looked down to see who it was and it was...A DEMON!? It looked terribly hurt and one wing missing. For some reason I was crying for him, I didn't know why but I was. I turned round and saw the angel again fighting the boy I found in the bin except he had a...nun costume...? Suddenly the floor disappeared bellow me and I fell. I kept falling and didn't stop. It was just black around me, nothing but me and the blackness. I landed hard on the ground in the middle of the main hall my church. I sat up and emediatly started choking up a black gloopy liquid. I felt a shredding pain in my head, arms and legs as I started transforming. I screeched in pain and clutched the carpet. I got a glimpse of outside and saw it was a half moon. I screwed my eyes shut and howled in pain.

The pain stopped and I shakily stood up. I walked into the corridor, where I knew there was a mirror. The moment my eyes met my reflection I jumped back and screamed. I had purple horns and furry purple ears sprouting from my head, a purple tongue and sharp teeth, gigantic purple claws and feet, and a Tail! Also a strange symbol on my head I strangely recognised. My eyes had also turned from black to glowing dark pink. I don't honestly know why my eyes are black but it has something to do with my mother I think.

I tripped over something on the floor and stumbled back. Again the world changed around me and I fell into a coffin. Felt I was lying on something so I turned around and saw my father as a rotting corps. I gasped and crawled back out, when reaching the slightly wet grass I started crying. I cried and cried until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to see who it was while tears still ran down my face and saw the angel. He smiled and closed his eyes, causing light to shine bright all around us it went completely with all around me. I frantically looked round until I spotted three figures standing a few metres away. The demon, the boy dressed as a nun, and the angel. Then the colourful butterfly fluttered in front of me and then over to the three figures. They all stood as still as a statue until the nun-boy grinned and slashed the butterfly with a syth. Just like that everyone went black and faded.

I jolted up from my bed, breathing heavily and sweating a lot. I looked round to see I was still in my room. I let out a long sigh and slowly started crying. I ran to my fathers room and climbed into his bed. I curled up beside him and felt safe. And gradually fell asleep again, except this time without a strange nightmare.

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