tracing patterns

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~Jimin's point of view~

   I often wonder about yoongi. What goes on inside of his head? How does he think? The last 4 years of my life have been some of the best of my life. Through him I have found parts of myself that were hidden deep deep down, waiting for their turn in the spotlight. This man is everything I have ever wanted in my life. I look to him for comfort and guidance in the times when I am so overwhelmed I feel as though I cannot function correctly. He does the same to me likewise.


      7:09 a.m, the clock on my bedisde table reads, the sun barely starting to rise, but the light is still shining through the cracks of the blinds, landing on any surface it can touch. I card my fingers through my slightly tangled hair and let out a small sigh, but not one out of frustration. I look next to me to find Yoongi still sleeping peacefully, and loudly, might I add. He has his back towards me, the blanket pulled all the way up to his chin on his chest, while his back is still oncovered, and bare. He usually discards his shirt when it gets too hot at night. "I just don't like to sweat, Jimin. It's gross". I roll my eyes thinking of that conversation we had just a few weeks ago. I stare at him once again, his hair is in it's naturally wavy state, slightly frizzy, and despite him ditching his shirt there is still the innevitable bit of sweat on his forehead, which his fringe was clinging to. I smile to myself. Even when he's asleep he's still so beautiful. And he's all mine.

   I lay down next to him once again, my face facing his back. I trace his spine with the tip of my index finger, making little patterns. I do this for a few more minutes before scooting closer and wrapping my arms around his waist, pressing wet kisses up his back and shoulder blades. Then, I close my eyes and keep pressing kisses up his neck, finally just wrapping him up tighter in my arms, pulling him closer to me. He shifts in his sleep, and I squeeze him gently, nuzzling my face in his neck. "I love you so much, baby", I whisper into his ear before trying to sleep again, my whole world in my arms.


hi hi hi babies. As promised, here is an update <3 <3 Enjoy loves


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