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It was only later that he got angry.

"I'm not taking your stupid money!!! Earned from... from... the betraying of our otp!! How could you??? How could you, Larissa?? Zayn will never want to know me now!!!"

I stood up, wordlessly, letting the thick stack of twenty pound notes cascade from my hand onto the bed. Around me, the eyes of the boys watched from the walls of Val's room.

Chloe was more rational.

"You do know that the tape will never actually come out, don't you?" she said.

"What? Why?"

"Remember Sophie, my mate who works as a journo? She told me that there's, like, some understanding between the papers and the celebrity management companies. Any dirt the papers get, they basically get paid to bury. Or the managers promise them an exclusive with the celeb which will make them just as much money as revealing the scandal would have done. "

I stared at her.

"So The Sun will probably get a great big feature on Harry with a few revelations about some random girlfriend. But no mention of Zarry. Just you watch."

And damned if she wasn't right.

Three weeks later I was stood outside Tottenham Court tube station, looking at the front pages of the papers. A banner striped the top of The Sun's front page: Harry Styles Exclusive: women, wine and me – Harry tells all about his life as a grown-up boybander. Only in your Sun newspaper.

Wild (sequel to Deep) - Zarry AUWhere stories live. Discover now