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By the time Harry had got to the third chapter, he realised that Rewind was simply High School Musical crossed with Twilight – with a bit of self-conscious irony thrown in. The writing wasn't bad, though – even if RatedRIssa did like her exclamation marks a bit too much - and If he was honest, Harry was quite enjoying imagining Zayn as the popular-jock-with-a-secret and himself as the tortured-new-kid-scarred-by-family-dysfunction, each circling the other around campus. After all, they sounded like the perfect match...

Two chapters later Harry found himself immersed in a particularly tense and romantic scene in which straight-acting Zayn-the-jock uttered the words:

"I feel like I wanna know you better, Harry... I don't know I feel like I can tell you stuff. Stuff I can't tell other people. You shouldn't hang with those other guys. Louis, for makes me mad cos he's, like....using you, man."

Zayn pulled his jacket on and turned to Harry. Harry could swear he saw tears glistening in the older boy's eyes.


Harry actually said it out loud.

He smiled and raked his hand through his hair. He felt the urge to vote for this chapter. He flicked his cursor to the "vote" icon. But the site wouldn't let him select it. A pop-up flashed before him. Do you want to join Fanfix? Why not set up a profile? Here are all the benefits of becoming a member...".

Harry stared out of the window.   Why not?

He returned to the screen.

Twenty minutes later, Harry Edward Styles had become Skyla1D, a Zayn-stanning sixteen-year-old from southern California. To "Skyla's" page Harry added a profile picture of Zayn with his shirt off, giggling to himself as he uploaded it. "Skyla" voted a few times - and even followed RatedRIssa - but Harry held back from having "her" comment on the story he was reading. He'd decided his acting skills weren't that good – yet.

Wild (sequel to Deep) - Zarry AUWhere stories live. Discover now