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The pub was one of those really old ones updated with a mix of industrial, medieval and gothic décor: all bare brick walls, dented metallic surfaces and distressed wood. I sat on the pew-like bench, a velvet cushion its only concession to comfort. A fire was burning in the grate on the other side of the room but I still felt cold so I pulled the mitten tops over my fingerless gloves, praying silently that Skyla wouldn't be late. This part of Primrose Hill was arty, fashionable and decidedly too expensive for me. Moreover I was starting to feel too old to be a hipster, somehow. Especially too old to be meeting an overenthusiastic sixteen-year-old from the other side of the world and acting like we could be besties. I swirled the cloudy, elderflower spritz thing in front of me around in its glass. I had resisted my usual gin: it was early in the day and Skyla was sixteen, after all.

I looked around. The Lion was half-full: mostly casually- but expensively-dressed men, eyes fixed on various devices. Not as many beards as I expected, though. Why weren't they at work?, I wondered. I had taken a day off for this: had combined it with meeting Chloe later for some early Christmas shopping. I really hoped it would be worth the time I would have to spend catching up.

For some reason, at that moment, my eyes flicked to the door.  And then the door opened.

And my jaw dropped.

Wild (sequel to Deep) - Zarry AUWhere stories live. Discover now