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Harry didn't want to admit it but he was dying to get back to Fanfix and read more about himself and a certain someone. And no, it had nothing to do with the fact that he had had the most erotic dream he'd ever had the night after he read Rewind.... Zayn as a prefect in a traditional English private school and Harry as a younger boy. Oh dear.

Unfortunately he'd been told he needed to create some photo-opportunities with Kendall. They were to be seen leaving a restaurant favoured by paps, and needed to spend plenty of time together looking totally into each other. Harry really couldn't be bothered but his agent was strong-arming him and the deal with the Jenner-Kardashian clan required him to be seen with her a certain number of times - when they both had something to promote.


Midnight. Harry had persuaded Kendall he had an early wake-up call for studio time - she seemed to want to actually spend the night and he wasn't feeling it. There was too much else on his mind; and he hurried back to his house alone.

He closed his phone and opened the laptop.

RatedRIssa's new story was already racking up the views. Harry kicked off his boots and leaned back against the distressed leather headboard of the Super King. Room Service. He stared at the picture of Zayn that fronted the story: on stage, in black and white, whispering to him. Harry looked at the back of his own head in the picture, tried to remember the moment. He couldn't. There were so many like that in his memory: tinged with burning, elated desire; laughter like a drug; Zayn's body a magnet.

Harry clicked on the title.


The set-up was fairly predictable; Zayn and Harry suppressing desire for each other; finding themselves booked into a chic London hotel after some award show where the band started drinking shots in the bar with a number of local groupies. But then the action moved upstairs to a hotel corridor where a drunk Harry and a less drunk Zayn were trying to find their rooms. Surely this had to be leading to a sex scene?, Harry (the reader) thought. He shifted, adjusting his semi-hard cock. He read on.

Suddenly the lights went out. "Whass appening?" Harry slurred, not too drunk for an attempt at a bad joke. Zayn looked around, ignoring the reference. "Don't know." "I can't see where I'm going!" Harry said in a high-pitched whisper. He started to laugh. Harry stumbled and Zayn moved to catch him but Zayn wasn't quick enough and the Cheshire boy fell against a door. It clicked open. "Agh!"Harry cried as he lurched through, Zayn lunging and catching his arm before he toppled completely. They fell against each other, laughing. Harry put his finger to his lips to shush his friend. Zayn smiled and tousled his bandmate's hair. Harry wanted to pull him closer but even in his inebriated state he didn't dare. "Is this someone's room?" he mouthed. "Don't know," Zayn said.

Harry stopped reading. He was frowning.

Wait. A power cut. A hotel room....

Harry's erection was fading.

He read on, this time with a different kind of urgency.

There was no bed in the room they found themselves in, and the neon lights from across the road shone through the windows. Harry tried the light switch without success while Zayn wandered towards the window and started looking at some objects which appeared to be wrapped in packaging and stacked against a wall. "What is this place?" Zayn said, tearing at a corner of the packaging.

Harry ignored the question for a moment, his mind set on something more important. "Just a storeroom I guess." he said, finally. Zayn turned stared at him for a moment, then walked back towards him. "Do you think- " Zayn started to say. But Harry interrupted, moving forward to meet him and pulling him close. Zayn was speechless for a minute and Harry took his chance, kissing him hungrily and sliding a hand down to his waist. Harry starting working on his belt and zipper. "What? No!" Zayn said in a loud whisper. "Harreh, what you doing? We can't..." But Zayn's words were silenced as Harry spat on his hand and slid it down under the soft cloth of Zayn's underwear, finding his target and working quickly. Zayn moaned softly and Harry smiled. He nuzzled into Zayn's neck, tilting his head to whisper in his ear and Zayn let out another sound of surrender. "Jesus, Harreh..." he said but his protests were getting weaker and weaker. Harry dropped to his knees. Zayn's head fell back. Harry worked diligently, taking as much of Zayn in his mouth as he could, while Zayn's lips parted and his hands meshed into Harry's hair. Harry was determined; there would be no mercy. He cupped his hands around Zayn's balls and squeezed gently, sliding his fingers back and towards Zayn's ass cheeks before working them into the warm divide. " Not yet babe..." Zayn gasped. Harry drew back and Zayn hooked his hands under the Cheshire boy's shoulders and pulled him up to his feet. Harry pushed Zayn's jacket off his shoulders so that it fell to the ground and "

Harry stopped reading.


He sat, stunned, staring at the words on the screen. It couldn't be... could it?

It was too much of a coincidence.

He had replayed that night so many times in his mind. And yes, some of it was a blur. But he remembered Zayn tearing the paper packaging; he remembered the jacket falling to the ground; and how could he forget the words that came out of Zayn's mouth, uttered in a voice so shaky and thick with desire that the sound alone had almost made Harry come.

The writer had seen it. She had seen the tape.

There was no other explanation.

Wild (sequel to Deep) - Zarry AUWhere stories live. Discover now