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"I love you, man" Zayn said, as the tear trickled down his cheek. Harry swallowed and pulled Zayn closer. He didn't care that someone might walk into the classroom at any moment. "Think I'll never love anyone else," Harry whispered. "I just can't live without you, Zee." And as he felt Zayn's warm lips find his, Harry knew that he would never, ever be alone again.


Harry wiped his face. "You wuss," he said, out loud. Ok, so tears weren't the principal bodily fluid that this story had elicited from him – yes, the sex scenes had been prolonged and effective (the writer must have given a lot of thought to them, Harry imagined) – but the story was actually moving as well as explicit. He slow hand-clapped a couple of beats then tapped one hand on the touchpad to go back to the writer's home screen.

Room Service

Harry was looking at the new title – just published - which was demanding his attention, at the top of RatedRIssa's page.

Hmm, he thought. Room Service. Sounds nasty. He smiled to himself.

Then he saw the tag underneath: Zarryasthemselves.

Even better.

But he was tired. He would save that story for another day.

Wild (sequel to Deep) - Zarry AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora