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He walked right up to me.  My hands didn't move from my face but I think my shaking became more violent. It occurred to me briefly that I might actually fall down dead. Harry was smiling: that beautiful, close-mouthed, dimpling smile. The feline eyes creasing around flashes of emerald. Through my shock I registered his huge hands. He raked one of them through his hair, took a deep breath. And then he spoke to me.

"You must be Riss!" he said, as if we had just bumped into each other at a mutual friend's birthday drinks.

"Gnrghh!!" I said.

He leaned forward and carefully prised my hands away from my mouth.

"Gnhh. Grnrghh gmghgg!!".  I was flapping like a penguin.

"What?" He had the full-on Harry grin now. He leant down and put his long arms around me and I felt the magic of the Harry-with-besotted-fan bear hug. By the time he stepped back I was vibrating like a washing machine.

He pointed to a chair, raised his eyebrows. "Shall ah just sit down?" he said. "Until you recover, that is. Then I'll go get a drink."

I gasped, as if I had just surfaced from a three-minute free dive. Suddenly I could talk.

"Harry!" I hissed. "What? What are you- ?" I whipped my head around, looking for a TV camera. "Is this some kind of stunt? Is it - is it - for a show?? "

Harry laughed. "No," his voice was dark like velvet. I felt it all the way through my body. 


Harry returned with a Bloody Mary. My heart was still pounding like a dance track.

"I- I was supposed to be meeting someone here," I said. "A girl... a – a - a fan from California. Skyla. Skyla 1D" Now it was the turn of my brain to stop working properly.

"I know," Harry said, his legs spread wide on the school-like chair as he placed his glass down carefully. I took in his tan suede boots, dark at the sole from the wet outside.

"Do you know her?" I frowned. Brain still on sleep mode.

Harry chuckled and ran his hand through his unkempt hair again. "You could say that."

I sat for a moment, staring at him, my jaw slack.

"Wait – are you .... Are you...? " I sputtered. His eyes danced over my face as he tried to suppress a smile.

"Was it.... Was it you all along?????" . He closed his eyes.

I screamed. 

Wild (sequel to Deep) - Zarry AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant