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I'm not the kind of person to lie. 

 Well I guess writing fics is kind of lying. But I don't like lying in real life. Except when the person you're lying to is kind of a liar... scumbag... whatever... themselves. Then – in my opinion - it's ok to lie.

So I had lied to the Sun journalists. Well, if they were going to print those stories about Harry being such a womaniser... what respect could I give them?

It wasn't a complete lie.  No, it wasn't.  Because, when they told me I had to delete the tape, because that was what they'd agreed with Syco... well, I actually did.  It's just that ....I deleted a copy.   Of a copy of a copy.

Come on, of course I'm not going to delete my shipping holy grail. My proof of the realness of Zarry. What kind of a shipper would that make me??

The truth is, I still needed that tape to keep me connected to them... to my otp.  Now that I no longer saw them, on the stage together, in a photoshoot, in an interview... glancing longingly, touching frequently, laughing at each other's jokes... in that bubble where no one else existed.

I deserved that tape.

But – even though I still had the tape - I confess that I was in a bad way, Zarry-wise. 

Deprived of reassurance that they were still together, I sank into a depression, like an addict kept from his crack.

So I did what I had to do.

I started writing fanfiction again.

Wild (sequel to Deep) - Zarry AUWhere stories live. Discover now