Chapter 7

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A/N: Okay, here is the long chapter I promised! I'm dedicating this to my best friend in the whole world because (A.) She's the one who first showed me Wattpad (B.) she's the one who convinced me to upload my story and (C.) her 16th birthday party's tomorrow! Woo!

Carrie's POV

“How do I look?”

We were in my favorite clothing store, killing time, and Louis and Zayn were modeling for us. Harry, Niall and I were the judges, Liam was taking pictures to post on twitter and ask fans to vote on their favorite outfits. I was careful to stay out of the pictures, I wasn’t sure I wanted the world to know I, Carrie Mason, was friends with 1D. Not yet anyway.

Louis had on a red and white, vertical stripped shirt that looked identical to the green one he had worn in here.

Harry rubbed his chin. “Louis you already have one like that.”

“Yes, but I didn’t bring it with me. If I buy this one and wear it tonight, along with these blue pants (he motioned to the pants he had worn in) I will be very festive.

Harry nodded. “Valid point, Zayn?”

Zayn came out of the dressing room in a brown t-shirt with a green scarf.


Harry mocked horror. “None of those colors can be found in the American flag, which is the theme for this evening. Judges?”

I shook my head. “I’m sorry Zayn, I have to agree with Harry there. Uncle Sam wouldn’t approve.”

They all gave me faces. “Uncle who?” Harry asked.

“Sorry Carrie, but you’re uncle has nothing to do with this seeing as we…don’t know him.”

I laughed at all the boys expressions. “Never mind, American thing.”

Harry rolled his eyes. “Niall?”

“Uh, yeah. I guess Zayn is more fit for the occasion.”

“You mean…Louis?”

“Oh! Yeah…sorry. I mean Louis.”

Louis jumps into the air. “Victory!”

We all laugh as Louis charges the counter and asks if he can buy the shirt while it’s on his body. The cashier is a young girl who seems to be at a loss for words. She must be a fan. The poor girl only becomes more tongue tied when Louis lifts his shirt to reveal the price tag for her to scan.

I look down at my watch. “Guys, we’d better get going if we want to make the last water taxi.” They all nod and stand to go.

We step out of the store and it is already starting to get dark. Children are running through the streets with sparklers. I laugh as a little boy I babysit blows his out like a birthday candle and screams “Now I’m 4!” Louis cheers for the boy “Yeeeeey!”

A little girl runs past us laughing with a boy her age close behind her.

Another little boy runs by in a tall hat with red and white stripes and blue and white stars coming out of the top. The stars light up and every other stripe is flashing bright red.

“Ohhhhhhh!” Louis screams. “I want it!”

His arms fly up and his fingers reach as if grabbing for something.

Harry snorts. “What are you going to do, grab it from his head.”

Louis’ face lights up for a moment, than falls. “No.” He mumbles.

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