Chapter 14

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Carrie's POV


I laugh at a very agitated Anna.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

“No you’re not! You are handicapped when it comes to fashion! This date is very important and you can’t screw it up!”

I sighed. “Anna, I don’t even know where he’s taking me!”

“So?! This is a critical point in your relationship, and you must be prepared for anything from crab shack to private jet to Paris. Normally I would mean this as an expression, but in this case I mean LITERALLY!”

“Why do you think this date is so important?”

“Have you had any real dates yet? And I mean at-night, no-one-else-there, super-romantic REAL?!”

I thought for a moment. “Well, we’ve had plenty of day time dates, and plenty of romantic moments.”

“Outside on the hammock is super cute but NOT a real romantic DATE.”

Why does she know me so well? “Fine. But we went to the fireworks on the forth. That counts.”

“Didn’t you say all the boys were there?”

“Yeah, but when we were on the boat it was just us.”

“And at that point you weren’t even dating yet! Doesn’t count.”

I let out an annoyed breath. “Fine. We haven’t had any.”


“Okay Anna, so what do I wear?”

I can literally hear her impatience through the phone. After Niall called me this morning and asked if I was free tonight to do something special with just the two of us I decided it would be a good time to call Anna. Big mistake. Next time, I’ll call her after the date so she can cheer rather than freak.

“Well it would be easier if I could see your closet wouldn’t it?”

Suddenly my phone starts beeping. I check and see that I have another call coming in, and it’s Niall.

“Sorry Anna, I gotta go. It’s my boyfriend.” I feel my spirits lift when I say this.

“Okay, but call me after you hang up!”

“No can do. It’s already three, our dates in two hours and I still have to shower.”

“Ugh! Alright, but I expect a picture of your outfit ASAP!”

I chuckle. “Love you Anna, talk later.”

“See you soon.”

I quickly hung up and picked up just in time.


“Hi Carrie.”

“What’s up?”

“About our date tonight…I wanted it to be a surprise but Harry convinced me you would be upset if you didn’t know what to wear…”

“Well I was kind of wondering…”

“I don’t want to tell you where we are going, but I can say that you should dress a little fancier than normal.”

Fancy? Oh no. “Oh, okay.”

“I’m really excited for tonight!”

“Me too.”

There are muffled voices on the other side of the line.

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