Chapter 16

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A/N: Sorry, I know it's, vote, comment, fan or whatever makes you happy!



 The TV’s on, but I’m not really paying any attention. I invited Carrie over after our recording session, but ever since she’s gotten here she’s been on her phone. I’m not trying to ease drop, but I can hear she sounds really frantic.

“No, Jean, it’s not okay!......Uh, you’re right, I’m sorry….Well we have to do something!....Oh, alright, but call me back as soon as you’re done!”

Carrie hangs up her phone and gives me a sheepish grin. “I am really, really sorry, but I have to make one more call.”

I laugh at her guilty expression. “That’s alright, take your time.”

“Sorry.” She mouths, then starts to dial another number.

“Hi, John? Yeah, it’s Carrie. Listen, Jean just called and told me…you heard? Yeah, I know but there’s not enough money in the budget…No! We can’t cancel! It’s a tradition, and I refuse to let our class be known as the one’s who dropped the ball….Yeah, I know…but…just…what if… Okay, just give me today. I’ll call around and see if I can find a replacement…..Okay, call you later.”

Carrie hung up then plopped down on the couch. “Ugh!”

“You sound stressed.” I put my arm over her shoulder and start tracing circles on her leg with my other hand.

“You have no idea.”

“Well? What’s wrong?”

“I don’t have to bore you with my problems.”

“I’m your boyfriend! Yes, you do!”

She laughed. “Okay, well each year we have a town fair, and the profits go to the town, you know like for building and road repairs.”

I nod. “So far I’m not seeing the stress.”

“Well each year the school’s incoming senior class organizes for a petting zoo to come to raise money for the school. This year that means it’s my classes turn.”


“Well I happen to be the president of the fundraising committee, which means the class president and I are in charge of setting it up. And the class president, Jean, just so happens to be on vacation right now and is going to miss the fair, so all the last minute preparations fall on my shoulders.”

“Don’t worry babe, I’m sure you’ve got it covered.”

“I did, but Jean just called saying she got an email from the company saying that they won’t be able to make it. We’ve been having them come for twelve years and of course they bail when my class is responsible. Ugh!”

She dropped her head in my lap and I started stroking her hair. “Shhh, it’s okay baby.”

“No, because if I don’t find something to replace them by tonight they are going to cancel the schools spot and we won’t raise any money!” She threw her hands over her face. “What am I going to do?”

I sat there holding her. I wanted nothing more than to help her, I hated seeing her so upset, but I had no idea how.

Suddenly her hands flew up. “I’m so stupid!” She quickly sat up and looked at me, beaming. Now this is the Carrie I want to see.

“Would it be possible for you to do me a huge-gigantic favor that if you do I will never ask for anything again and I will always make you a sandwich when you request it?” She jumbled her words together in an attempt to get them all out in one breath.

I held my hands up. “Whoa! Unlimited sandwiches for life? What’s this about? And could you slow it down?”

She took a deep breath. “Well, I was kind of thinking.” She started twirling her hair.

I grabbed her hands and looked her in the eyes. “I will do anything for you. Just name it.”

“I was thinking, or I was hoping, that…maybeyouandtheboyscoulddoaconcert?” She finished and closed her eyes, waiting for my response.

I laughed. “That’s all? Sure!”

Her eyes flew open and her jaw dropped. “Really? You’d do this for me?”

“Of course!” I leaned down. “I think Harry’s been going through performance withdrawal anyway.” I winked and she jumped into my lap and threw her arms around me.

“Thank you Thank you thank you thank you!”

I hugged her back. “No problem. Though, could you tell me something.”

She pulled back with a huge smile on her face. “Anything!”

“Why did you think I’d say no?”

“I was worried you might think I was using you, which I’m not. I couldn’t care less that you’re famous. It’s your amazing voice I need anyway!” She gave me a wink and a quick kiss on the lips, then stood up and started to dance around.

I chuckled. I love my girl.

I froze. Did I just think I love her? I watch as Carrie jumps around excited. Yeah, I think I did. I smile to myself.

She looks over. “Why are you smiling like that?”

“No reason. I just love watching you so happy.”

She laughs and continues to dance around.

Yep. I love my girl.

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