Chapter 11

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A/N: Hey everyone! Shout out to Gabby Fallon for being the first person to comment on my story that's not one of my best friends! Thanks! :D


Carrie's POV

 “Tag! You’re it!” Louis screams as he pounces on Zayn.

“Watch the hair!” Zayn looks from side to side to find something reflective and settles on a near by light post.

Niall, Louis, Zayn and I are all down by the pond playing tag. We had set out just on a walk, but by the time we reached the pond we were so overcome by boredom we decided we needed to play a game. I had suggested hide-and-go-seek, but the boys deemed that it would be unfair because I know the area so well. Louis had suggested truth or dare, than taken it back because ‘it would be more fun if we all played it, and it had to be played at night’. This speculation made me worry about what kind of dares Louis had in mind. Niall had suggested eye spy to which we all responded with questioning looks. Finally, Zayn thought of tag and well, here we are.

I’m standing on the other side of the post Zayn stopped to admire himself in, and now I’m his prime target.

“Ahh!” I shout as I take off in the other direction. I know I don’t have a prayer of out running him, so I use my last defense.

“Niiiiiiiaaaaall! Save me!”

“Not falling for that one again!”

My eyes grow wide as Zayn corners me by a bush.

My lower lip quivers and I prepare to be tagged.

“Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaa!” Niall lets out a Tarzan-like scream and runs in. He grabs me, throws me over his back and rushes the other way.

I give him a quick peck on the cheek. “You saved me.”

He beams proudly. “I did!”

“Oh no you don’t!” Zayn charges over and Niall quickly drops me.


“Sorry babe, everyone for themselves!” He returns my quick kiss than takes off running again.

I laugh. “You’ll pay for that, Niall Horan!”

Zayn tags me, does a little victory dance, than runs the other way.

I’m it for what feels like forever. I’m not a bad runner, but these guys are incredibly fast and they cut me no slack at all!

I bend over and try to catch my breath.

“I don’t…get it. How…do you guys run…so fast?”

Louis stops in front of me, confident I don’t have the energy to lunge and tag him.

“Running from screaming fans is actually an incredible work out!”

15 minutes later it starts to drizzle. At first, I welcome the cool water. Then it starts to pick up and rain harder.

“Hey guys? Maybe we should head back.”

Louis mocks an expression of horror. “Tag waits for no man! Mother Nature has many powers, but stopping the endless cycle of tag isn’t one of them! We play on!”

Suddenly, there is a loud crack of thunder from behind the lake.

Louis jumps, startled. “But perhaps we can continue as we venture homeward!”

I give Louis a look. I have no idea what he is saying, but he then starts to hightail it back towards the house. Zayn and Niall look at each other, than follow Louis.

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