Chapter 12

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Carrie's POV

 “It’s all my fault.”

“Is not.”

“Yes! It is! It was raining! And wet…”

“Yes, that tends to happen in the rain.”

He shoots me a look. “I’m not kidding. I never should have run away, I’m your boyfriend!”

Hearing him say that still sends a shiver down my spine.

“We were playing tag! Look, what’s done is done. And it’s not the end of the world.”

“It could have been!”

I roll my eyes.

“I’m fine.”

Niall runs his eyes from the top of my head to the tip of my brand-shiny-new boot.

Right now Bill is driving Niall and I back to the house. After getting x-rays, Dave told me I had broken one of the bones in my ankle. He said it would be fine, as long as the bone doesn’t move before it could heal. If it does I may need surgery, so to make sure it doesn’t I have to wear a boot for the next 6-8 weeks. That pretty much means my entire summer and the start to my senior year. Hu-ray.

Niall, of course, assumes the whole things his fault and blames himself for my clumsiness. It really is sweet that he cares so much, but I don’t want him upset over this when the only one that is at fault is the wet stairs. (Okay fine, and my lack of sense)

As I said, what’s done is done. At least there’s one upside; I have an excuse not to play tag anymore.

Carrie's POV

 “What happened!?”

No sooner than Niall had opened the door and helped me out did Liam jump up and demand an explanation. My parents were at work, so Niall had called Bill to come get us. Apparently, all Bill told the other boys before leaving was that Niall, Zayn and Louis were idiots. Liam and Harry had been sitting on the porch in front of the house waiting for us. Liam’s eyes flickered from me to my boot and then closed.

“They are idiots.” He muttered under his breath.

“Yeah, but what’s new.” Said Harry, standing up.

“So?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

“So what?” I responded.

“So you going to tell us what happened or not.”

“If you don’t mind Harry, Carrie’s in a lot of pain. So I’d like to take her inside and allow her to sit down before we ask her to recall the events that caused this pain.” Niall said angrily.

Harry suddenly looked guilty. “I’m so sorry Carrie. I didn’t know you were in pain. Can I help you inside?”

“No, I’m not! Really guys, I’m fine!” Okay, so it was kind of a lie. I would like to sit down so I’m not standing on my leg, but Niall’s acting like I’m dying or something. Again, it was too sweet to really bug me, but I didn’t want people feeling all sorry for me and offering to help. It was nice, but I am perfectly fine and able to do things for myself.

“Still.” Niall said, ushering me inside. “I’d feel better if we got you off that leg.”

Once we were inside and I was seated on the couch with a drink in my hands the boys all sat around looking at me expectantly.

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