Chapter 23

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Carrie's POV

“Did you see what Miss Hoisters was wearing? No wonder she’s not Mrs. Hoiysters.”

I was sitting in math class next to Anna, waiting for the bell to ring. Summer was over and we were a month into our senior year. It has been exactly 74 days since I had last seen Niall Horan. And I still think about him every single day.


“Remember, your paper’s are due Friday!” Mr. D called out, but half the class was already out the door and would be turning in their papers on Monday.

“Hey Guys! Wait up!” Our new friend Kate called out to Anna and I and ran to catch up to us.


I give her a look. “So what?”

“So who are you going with to homecoming!!!”

Anna lets out a squeal so loud I swear I’m going to go deaf in my right ear. “Charles Peterson asked me!”

Kate squeals just as loud. And there goes my left ear.

“No way!!!”

“YES WAY!!! What about you?!?!”

“You ready? Jonathan. Taylor.”

“OH MY GOSH!!!!”


“Okay! Guys!” I cut in. “That is exciting! But you don’t need the whole world to hear.”

Kate loops her arm in mine. “Of course we do silly! How else do we brag about having smoking hot dates!”

I roll my eyes, but laugh at Kate’s logic.


“Again Kate, so what?”

“Who are you going with?!”

I turn to my feet. “Um…No one.”

“What?! No! This is senior year! You can’t go alone! It doesn’t matter if no one asked you! It’s just because they don’t have the balls to do it! You can ask someone yourself!”

I remain silent.

“Uhh…Kate?” Anna speaks up.


“Carrie just got out of a pretty serious relationship this summer…she needs some time to heal.”

Kate pales. “I’m soooo sorry Carrie! I had no idea!”

I nod. “It’s fine.”

“You know, the best way to land on your feet is to get back out there..”

“Thanks Kate, but I’m just not ready yet.”

“That’s fine. It’s your decision.”

 *      *      *

The final bell for the day rang at long last, and I gathered my stuff quickly, eager to get home.

“Um…Carrie?” I turn to see Lucas. He had been home since a few weeks before school started. He knew about Niall, but not all the details. I tell him everything, but for now just telling Anna was hard enough.


“Can I talk to you for a sec?”

“Can we walk and talk? I really want to get home.”


I grab the rest of my books and we start towards home.

“So…Carrie I was wondering…”

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