Chapter 10

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A/N: Please, please, please, please comment! Thanks!


Carrie's POV

I sat on my couch flipping through the channels faster than I could see what shows were on. I really wasn’t watching, I was just trying to kill time. Niall and the other boys were working right now and, according to Bill, I wasn’t allowed within 50 feet when they were working. He was just joking that I distract Niall, but I was still very embarrassed when he said it. Niall had even gotten a bit angry. He said he was an adult, and that I had a right to watch them, but before Bill could start arguing with him I just said that it was fine and that I had things to do anyway. Which was a complete and total lie. I have absolutely nothing to do. This time to myself makes me realize how awful my summer would be if it weren’t for the boys. I hope the only reason I can’t think of anything to do with myself is because I have a boyfriend I really want to be with right now, but can’t. I was really getting used to hanging with the boys. What on Earth would I do when they left? Okay, not thinking about when they’re leaving. Putting it out of my mind.

I settle on watching an episode of Friends, but I keep looking over at the clock every two minutes, and miss all the jokes.

My phone starts to vibrate in my pocket, and I pull it out and check to see who it is.

Oh my gosh, Anna! I haven’t talked to her since the day I called her and she was getting on the plane! What kind of friend am I?

As fast as I can I answer.


“Carrie! Thank god! I needed to hear your voice again!”

“I can’t believe we haven’t talked sooner!”

“Yeah, I’m so sorry about that.”


“Well, that day you called and I couldn’t talk. Then when I called you back you didn’t answer. And I’ve been so busy lately I haven’t had time to call you!”

I’m instantly filled with guilt. I was showing the guys around when she had called me back, and the thought hadn’t even crossed my mind to call her back since. I have to be the worst friend in the world.

“Anna, no. It’s completely my fault. I’ve just been so busy…”

I wasn’t sure how to put this.

“Busy? What on earth could keep you busy in our town? Did Jimmy fall down the well again?”

I laughed at her joke, but it was a guilt-covered, fake laugh.


“Oh! I know that ‘actually…’! You have a BOYFRIEND!”

Wow. She’s good. “Uhh…”

“I KNEW IT! I knew it! I knew it! Alright, out with it!”

“Out with it?”

I could hear her impatience growing from over the phone. “WHO IS IT!?!”

“Okay. It’s a long story, and if you want me to tell it you are going to have to let me tell you the whole thing with no questions until the end. Got it?”

“Yes! Yes! Now spill!”

I take a deep breath, and start to tell her the story of how I fell in love with Niall Horan.

By the time I hung up with Anna I had told her my entire story with only minimal interruptions (which was to be expected). When I had finished, there was a moment of silence in which I feared she had fainted, until she screamed in my ear. After calming her down and promising to get her an autograph, she had told me how much she loved Paris. She said it was beautiful, and that it would be the most romantic place to go with someone you love. First she had fake coughed and said ‘hint hint’, but then she said it made her wish she had someone special to share it with. After talking about the boys, the town, and just generally missing each other, she left me with “Be safe and save one of the boys for me!”. I sat back on the couch thinking that I really missed Anna.

I was in the middle of another Friends episode when my front door swung open.

“Honey I’m home!” In walked Louis followed by the rest of the boys. When Niall sees me his eyes light up. (Aww! How sweet!) He comes over and puts his arm around me.

“So,” I say looking at all the boys “How was work?”

Louis dramatically puts his hand on his head. “Exhausting! My voice is so over-worked!”

Liam rolls his eyes. “That’s okay, we don’t mind if you give it a break for the rest of the day.”

Harry looks over at me. “So what are we going to do for the rest of the day?”

“Why are you looking at me?”

“Because you are the only one here who knows what we can do in this town.”

“Hmm..” I rack my brain for something to do. “We could go to the community pool?”

“Pool!?” All the boys start jumping up and down in front of me.

I laugh. “Yeah, it’s only a couple of blocks away.”

The boys giddily run off to change.

Harry is the last one out. “A pool is the perfect opportunity to show off my body!”

I roll my eyes.

He puts his hand on my shoulder. “Just try to remember why you’re dating Niall while you’re staring at me.”

“I heard that!”

I laugh at Niall. “In your dreams Harry.”

With a wink he runs off to change.



I flinch as water comes shooting out at me. “Thanks Louis!” He appears above the water and gives me a thumbs up.

Liam looks over at me. “Hey, why is there no one here?”

“It’s a week day. This place gets so crowded on the weekends, but during the week: nothing. Even in the summer.”

Niall swims over to me. “You coming in?”

“That’s okay, I’m good out here.”

Over hearing us, the other guys come over.

“Come on Carrie! The water’s fine!”

“Not scared of water are you!”

“Don’t worry swimming’s easy!”

Before I can blink, they are circled around me chanting “Jump! Jump! Jump!”

“Well I’m not coming in if you’re pressuring me! And how come Zayn get’s to stay out?!” I look over at Zayn and he just shrugs.

Niall climbs out of the pool. “I got it.”

I start to back away. “Niall, no. Niall I’m warning you, don’t…”

Before I can finish he scoops me up in his arms and carries me to the pool.


He swings me back and forth, pretending to drop me a few times. I gasp, and cling to his shirt. The guys are still chanting.

Niall laughs and pulls back.

I look up at him. “You’re not going to throw me in?”

 “Not if you don’t want me to.”

I laugh. “Oh man Niall, I don’t deserve you.

His face turns serious. “Yes you do, you deserve someone every bit as good as me, if not better.”

I catch my breath. He really is amazing.



“You can throw me in if you want.”

He smiles. “Okay, if you insist!”

The next thing I know, I’m soaring through the air and come crashing in the pool. I come up for air and all the boys are cheering.

Now that I’m in the pool, it’s time for some revenge.

I give them all a look. “Now which one of you started the chanting?”

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