Chapter 15

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Carrie's POV

 “Ugh.” I groaned. It’s Saturday morning; who is outside making so much noise!

Carrie! Come out and PLAY!!!”

I should’ve known.


I roll over and cover my head with a pillow to try and block out Harry.

“Is someone tired? Maybe you and Niall shouldn’t have stayed out so late last night! What were you doing anyway?”

I shoot out of bed. How dare he?! Anyone one could be listening, including my parents!

I leapt across the room and hurled my pillow out the window, directly at Harry.

Taken by surprise, he was unable to avoid the incoming pillow.

“What was that for?”

“What do you think you moron?!”

He snickered. “Someone’s not a morning person.”

“Like you have room to talk” says Liam walking over.

“I’m sorry Carrie! We told him not to. I honestly thought he was in his room.”

I smiled at Liam’s kindness. “Thanks for trying.”

“Well now that you’re up why don’t you come over for breakfast?” He glances over at Harry. “Harry was just about to make pancakes.”

Harry threw his arms up in the air and started stomping back towards the house. “You wake up your band mates girlfriend one time!”

Liam shakes his head. “Anyway, Niall’s still in bed, but if anyone can wake him up it’s you.”

“Thanks Liam, I’ll be right over!”

Liam nods and follows after Harry.

I quickly run over to my closet and pull on some shorts and a tank top. (What? It’s Saturday and summer, and I dressed up enough last night for the next five years.) I race into my bathroom, brush my teeth and pull a brush through my hair. I twist my hair up into a bun on top of my head; I can already tell it’s going to be hot today.

Quietly, I make my way down the stairs so as not to disturb my parents, who are enjoying their day off by sleeping in.

I make my way over to the boy’s house and walk right in.


“In here!” A voice calls from the kitchen.

In the kitchen Harry is hard at work on the pancakes, Louis is playing on his phone, Liam’s on his laptop and Zayn and Niall are nowhere in sight.

“Zayn and Niall both sleeping?”

Louis looks up. “Niall is, Zayn went out for a walk this morning.” He shrugged and returned to his game.

“Oh oh oh!” Liam starts bouncing in his seat. “Danielle is requesting a video chat! Everyone shut up!”

Harry and Louis roll their eyes as Liam picks up.

“Danielle! How are you?”

I hear a girl’s voice come from Liam’s computer. “Great babe, I miss you! How are you and all the boys holding up?”

“We’re great! Though, as I told you I wouldn’t know what we’d do without Carrie to entertain us.”

“That’s Niall’s girlfriend? Yes?”

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