Chapter 1

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Dear Blakely,

Your sixteenth birthday must be approaching or today for you to be reading this note, so Happy Birthday my sweet daughter. I know your probably ready to toss this letter in the trash, but please keep reading. I understand you most likely hate me, and I'm sorry for everything I've put you through. I just want you to know, it's not your mom's fault, it never was. I loved your mother very much, but things just didn't work. I always loved your mother and I will continue to love her. I know you blame me for the divorce, which is completely reasonable. I was the one who chose to walk on out your our beautiful family. I know I can never get that love from all of you back, but I'd like to attempt. I know your ready to throw this away, but I want you to visit me. Please? I think you'd like Alabama. I always imagined you as a country girl at heart and Wes and I miss you so very much. We want to hear your voice. I want to hear you singing Daddy's Hands, just once more on Father's Day. Your amazing, darling. Please think about visiting me.

Love, your father.


"Alabama? He really expected me to come from Los Angeles to visit his small town in Alabama? No way! There was no way I'd ever leave my home in Los Angeles to visit his crappy Alabama town. I bet all there is to do during your free time is to clean up cow crap. No, my mind's made up. I'm staying in Los Angeles."

I turned around at the sound of a knock at my door. "You read the letter?" My mom asked.

I snorted, "Yeah, and he expects me to visit Alabama. I mean why now? Why does he want to be apart of my life now? When I have a wonderful boyfriend, amazing friends, I'm doing good in school, and I'm popular. I'm not going to Alabama mom. I refuse."

She shook her head, "You don't understand, honey. He wants custody of you and your sister. If you don't go to Alabama, then he'll take us to court and he might get full custody of you, and you know what that means."

"So your forcing me to go?!?" I hollered.

"Yes, just because it's what's best for you right now."

"How long?" I yelled.

No answer.

"How long?!?"


"How long?!?!?" I screamed.

"For the school year," She murmured. I felt my face grow hot from anger. I got off the couch and walked into my room and slammed the door.

"How could she do this to me?" I thought.


Hey guys!! So I'm kind of new to the whole fan fiction thing. I usually just write my stories and keep them on my computer for only me to read. So, yeah. I'm going to see how this works. Let me know what you think. I'll update a lot because I've already written over half of the story. Hope you guys like it. (:

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