Chapter 5

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Why is it that I can write stories like these but when I need to write a book report my mind goes blank? Ugh, it's aggravting. I hate summer reading.


"Have you finished unpacking yet?" Wes asked. "I was wondering if you wanted to go check out the horses." I turned around and looked at Wes and pointed at the phone. "Oh. Sorry I didn't know you were on the phone."

"Yeah. It's fine. The area is beautiful though. I got to go. Wes is going to show me the horses. Love you, bye." I hung up the phone and followed Wes out to the horses. "So when does school start around here?" I asked him.

"This coming up Monday." Wes replied.

"Oh. Wow, that's so soon."

"Yeah, I guess." He said. We walked in silence until we reached the barn. "Are you coming with us to the wedding next week?"

"Wedding? I didn't know anything about a wedding."

"Dad's friend, Mark, is getting married and Dad promised he'd go. Hey! They're singer cancelled on them and I remember you used to sing all the time. I bet they'd love it if you sang for them." Wes grinned.

"I don't know. I don't really sing that much anymore. I don't know if I could do it." I told him. 'It would be fun to sing at a wedding though,' I thought to myself.

"Just think about it while we're riding. Here, this is your horse." He showed me a white horse with brown spots all over him. "This is Tennessee. He's a chestnut pinto. I'm sure you'll love him." Wes grabbed his lead and showed him out of the stall. "And this is my horse, Buck. He's a bay quarter horse. I'll show you how to saddle up and then we can get going."

I slid off Tennessee and removed his tack and cleaned him up. "I'll do it." I told Wes. He smiled and simply nodded. I walked back in the house and saw Dad sitting at the bar. "Hey, Dad. Thanks for giving me Tennessee. I never knew that riding a horse could be fun."

"Your very welcome. I'm glad you like him. Now get upstairs and get ready! You have registration in an hour and a half." He rushed me.

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