Chapter 9

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Watching the Olympic Closing ceremony. (: It's absolutely wonderful. So, many great acts like One Direction <3, Ed Sheeran, The Spice Girls, Beady Eye, Jessie J, Taio Cruz, Tinie Tempah, etc. I have to say the Brits did an excellent job hosting the olympics. So proud of all the US Olympians. They did amazing, and made their country proud. (: Please vote, fan, and comment on my story pleasee?? (:


"I didn't really have a choice. My mom and dad split up when I was about eight and my dad and my brother moved here. A few weeks ago I got a letter from him after not hearing from him for about eight years asking me to come visit him for the year. At first I didn't want to come at all but my mom forced me to but now I love it here."

"So you just had to up and leave your mom and your friends?" Liam questioned.

"Yeah. I got to say goodbye to all of them and they should be coming down Wednesday for my birthday since school hasn't started there yet but I still miss them. After they leave this time I won't get to see them until Thanksgiving."

"Wow. I know how that feels. All of my family and friends are back in Wolverhampton. Well, except for the boys of course. We're all living with Niall's grandad. I'd love to meet your family and friends. If they're like you they must be real nice." Liam smiled.

I nodded, "You all should come to my party Friday night. They'll be here until Sunday." I smiled and the bell rang. They nodded and grabbed their things. The rest of the morning went by fast and I was starving by lunch time.

I walked into the cafeteria and saw Erin, Liam, and Niall sitting at one table. I walked over and put my stuff down next to Niall before going to the salad bar. When I came back they were talking about my party. "Thanks for the invite, babe. Glad to know your better friends with these two than you are with me. I'm truly hurt." He put his hand over his heart to emphasize his acting. I just giggled and sat down beside him.

"Whatever. You probably would've showed up anyway considering you stalk me." I stuck my tongue out at him and he faked a look to show he was appalled by my words. I laughed and started to eat my salad.

I pulled into her driveway and got out to open her door. She may not like it but it was what my granddad had taught me. She began to say something and I cut her off. "-It was how I was raised. I can't help it if I'm a true Irish southern gentleman." I winked. She smiled and playfully pushed me. "Can I ask you something?" I started.

"Yeah, go ahead." She walked to her porch and stopped at the bottom of the steps.

"Who all is coming to your party Friday night? I know your mom and your sister and then Erin and Liam, but who else?"

"Oh, well like you said Erin and Liam, and then my mom and Dayton. And then my friends from Los Angeles, Aiden, Harrison, Bryson, Alina, Riley, and Harper. And hopefully you." She smiled.

I looked at the floor. "Oh, okay. Are they all going to the wedding Saturday?"

"No. They don't know Mark and Dianne so they're just going to hang around here for a while." She explained.

"Okay, well I better go. See you around." I waved and got back into my truck.


I woke up Wednesday morning and threw on pink tank top and a pair of khaki shorts and my brown gladiator sandals and headed downstairs. My dad was standing over the stove making pancakes. "Happy birthday kiddo!" He yelled. He took out the last pancake and placed it on top of the rest of them and then he took out a candle and stuck it on top. "Come on. I want to show you something before breakfast." He took my hand and led me out the front door and towards the garage doors. Sitting beside Wes' truck was a 2005 Volkswagen Jetta. It wasn't much but it was the fact that he actually bought me a car was enough. I absolutely loved it. "Now, today your going to take your driver's test. If you pass you can drive to school from now on."

I smiled wide and ran over to hug him. "Thank you daddy! I love it!" I said with excitement. Today was going to be amazing. It was my sweet sixteen and soon enough my mom, my sister, my best friends, and my wonderful boyfriend would be here to celebrate it with me. I hated that I would be late for my third day of school but hey, I needed to get my license. I hated Niall having to pick me up every morning and bring me home every afternoon. I didn't want to be a burden to him. He was a good friend.

I passed my driver's test easily and my dad took me home to get my car. I drove it to school and parked way out in the parking lot, trying not to take someone else's spot. I checked in with the office and went straight to lunch. Harry, Liam, Erin, Niall, and Zayn were sitting at one table. I sat in the only free chair in between Harry and Liam. "So, did you get your license??" Erin squealed. I smiled and nodded. "Ahh! Yay! That means now we can go to the mall! Oh and I forgot, Happy Birthday!" She smiled. Erin had become my best friend in only three days. We talked to each other all the time and I felt like I had known her for forever. She was actually really shy around most people. I learned that she had recently lost her grandmother who was really close to her. Sometimes she would get really upset in class and run out if she thought about it for too long.

Everyone else around the table began saying happy birthday and I just smiled and said thanks. My phone began to vibrate.

Bryson: Hey Alex. I miss you friend. We just landed in Dallas and our flight from here to Alabama doesn't leave until 2:30 so yeah. We'll see you soon. Happy Birthday beautiful. (:

Alina: Alex!! We all got the idea to text you at the same time so your phone would blow up. Hehe (: Anyway, we'll probably be in Alabama around 7:30. You'll have to introduce me to some of your cowboy friends. I know you've got some. ;) Happy Birthday! Love you chick! See you soon. (:

Riley: I just realized that I forgot my cowboy boots. I might need them to win over the gorgeous cowboys Alina keeps saying live there. ;) I think she's more excited to see them than she is to see you. :P Haha. I miss you so much girl. I hope your having an amazing birthday. What am I saying? Of course you are, we're coming to see you! Hah. Happy birthday! I love and miss you!!

Aiden: Hey babe. Happy Birthday. I love and miss you!

Harrison: Dude, I'm coming to Alabama to see you. You best know that I love you to come all the way to hick town just to see you. I hope your having a good birthday so far. I love and miss you sweet thing.

Harper: Babe!!! I miss you so much!!! Riley and Alina are so excited about hot cowboys but honestly I hope there are some none cowboy guys there. Cowboys aren't my type. :P lol We've got some catching up to do. I miss you. :'( But Happy Birthday. I'll see you soon. Love you, babe.

Dayton: Sissy!!!!!!! I miss you sooo freakin' much! You have no idea how hard it is to put up with mom all by myself. Heh So, how's dad? I hope he recognizes me. I know I was only two when he left but hopefully see how much I look like him. (: I'm excited to see Wes too. I looked him up and he's like some big rodeo stud there. Who knew? You probably did. Anyway, I love and miss you! Happy Sweet Sixteen, Sissy. (And mom said she loves and misses you too. You know how she is with technology. :P)

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