Chapter 10

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Ahh!! Finally finished Animal Farm, definitely was not my favorite book. I have officially finished my summer reading though! (: School starts on Monday, and I'm looking forward to seeing my friends, but that's about it. Only 1 more month until my birthday! :D Anyway, vote, comment, fan! And if you want, I'll do some shout outs or dedications. And if you send me the name of your story I'll do my best to read it, but I'll only be able to read a few since school's starting back. Anyway, hope you like it. (:


"Hello? Blake?" Zayn was poking me trying to get my attention. I looked up and the whole table was staring at me. I exited out of my messages and put my phone away.

"Who was that?" Erin laughed. "It must have been a really good message for your smile to be that big." She pointed out.

"Not exactly. It was a bunch of different messages from my friends and family. They should be here around 7:30 tonight. I'm just really excited to see them." I continued to smile and they all just nodded. I went back through my messages and looked at them. They were all so sweet, well except for Aiden's. I mean he said he loved and missed me but that was pretty much it. Maybe this long distance relationship thing isn't going to work out like I wanted it too. Wait, did I really just think that. I put my phone back up and grabbed my things just as the bell rang. I think I'm going to break up with Aiden.

I invited Erin over so I could talk to her about the whole Aiden situation. They would be here in less than twenty minutes and Erin agreed that maybe we needed a break. I told her she could stay and meet them if she wanted too. She took me up on the offer without even hesitating to think about it. She took out her phone and began playing music while I cleaned up the last guest room. This house really was huge. The song continued to play and I recognized it as the song that my mom taught me. I sang it for my dad on his birthday when I was eight. It was about two weeks before he packed his bags and left for Alabama. This was a different version. I liked it better though. Her voice kind of reminded me of mine but I wasn't that good.

The doorbell rang and I ran downstairs. I flung the door open to find that it was only Niall. I guessed I looked kind of disappointed because Niall said, "It's nice to see you too," very sarcastically.

"Sorry. It's not that I'm not happy to see you but I was expecting to see my mom and the rest of them. They should be here any second." I explained.

"Oh well. I was just going to bring you your notebook. I tried to give it back to you at school but I couldn't find you anywhere. I figured you might need it to do your homework or something."

"Oh. Thanks. It's actually the notebook that I write songs in, but thanks for bringing it back to me. Do you want to stay to meet everybody? Erin's here too." I smiled and opened the door for him to come in.

"Uh...sure, but I can't stay long. I need to get home and finish up my homework." He walked in and I called for Erin to come downstairs. We watched t.v. until they arrived.

I ran to the door and flung it open just like I did when I thought Niall was them. I hugged Dayton first because she was the closest and then my mom. All my friends engulfed me in one big group hug and I just laughed. Once they released, Aiden pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the cheek. "This was going to be so hard." I thought to myself. I led them into the living room and Niall and Erin had gotten up to come meet everyone. "Mom, Dayton, and everybody else, this is Niall and Erin. I go to school with them. They're my best friends here," I smiled. "And Niall and Erin, this is my mom, Lucy, my sister, Dayton, my friends, Alina, Riley, Harper, Harrison, Bryson, and my boyfriend, Aiden." I pointed at them as I said their name. They all shook hands and we talked for a while before Niall decided to try and leave without anyone noticing.

I noticed Niall walk outside and I excused myself and followed him. "You leaving already?" I asked him while he was still walking towards his truck.

"Uh...yeah. I need to get home. I have a lot of homework due tomorrow."

I nodded, "Well you could have at least told me bye." I smiled.

He laughed, "You seemed a little busy. I didn't want to interrupt your time with your friends and family."

"You're one of my friends, Niall. You wouldn't have interrupted anything with them. I'll probably stay up all night talking to them anyway." I reassured him.

He smiled, "Well, I better go. Will you be at school tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded. "Well then I'll see you tomorrow." He did his famous half-smile and got in his truck and left.

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