Chapter 8

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So, I'd love to hear either Liam Payne or Niall Horan cover Feeling Good by Michael Buble.....I think it'd sound great! (:


I walked down the stairs Monday morning, and I was surrounded by the smell of eggs, bacon, and sausage. "Morning Dad." I walked into the kitchen and saw Wes sitting at the table eating an orange, while Daddy was frying things. I sat down and began to peel an orange when I heard a flush come from the bathroom beside the kitchen. I looked around the corner and saw Niall walking towards the kitchen. "Niall? What're you doing here?"

"Well, good morning to you too, Blake." He joked.

"Sorry. Good morning. Now what are you doing here before school? Wait, and how long have you been here?" I questioned.

"Well, I got here around six-thirty this morning and it's, uh, seven-fifteen, so about forty-five minutes. I'm here before school because I couldn't have dinner with y'all the other night so your dad invited me to breakfast. Then, I'm taking you to school. Any more questions?"

I glared at him and began to eat my orange. Dad came over and sat the bowl of eggs down in the center of the table and distributed the bacon and sausage on our plates. Niall sat down in the chair beside me. I scooped a few eggs out of the bowl and put them on my plate. "Get used to this. I fix scrambled eggs almost everyday, so I hope you like them," Dad informed me. I smiled and began to eat my breakfast. I looked up once I was finished eating and saw Wes staring me down. I knew exactly what was about to happen. I counted to three in my head and then smiled as big as I could. We all started laughing. Every time we ate oranges when we were little, we would take part of the orange peel and put it in our mouths and smile like most kids when they were eight. It was special for us though. It was one of the few memories I had with Wes before he left. "Some things never change!" Dad remarked.

I stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same. "Hey, it's seven-thirty. Y'all might wanna leave if y'all wanna get there on time," Wes suggested.


I pulled into my assigned parking spot and looked over to see Blake frozen in place in the passenger's seat. "Blake? Come on, let's go inside and I'll introduce you to some people." I was new here too and I'd probably stick out more than her considering I'm not even from the same continent as everyone here. I was glad that Simon had arranged for the rest of the boys to take off for a year and go to school with me here so we could be normal again. It was a good thing that we weren't big in the United States so we could come here and be normal teenagers again. I got out and walked around the truck to open her door.

"I can open my own door, Niall. My boyfriend in LA never opened the car door for me." I was caught off guard. I was kind of starting to like Blake and now she tells me she has a boyfriend.

"Sorry, it's just a habit. Ever heard of a thing called 'Southern Hospitality?' I may be from Ireland but I do use it," I joked. She blushed and I put my hand on her back and led her inside the side doors and towards my friends. "Everybody, this is Blake Tucker. She just moved here from Los Angeles." I explained.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Blake." Harry stuck out his hand. Blake hesitated a second and eventually took it. Harry winked and they shook hands.

 I shook his hand and immediately put my hand back by my side. I looked up at him and saw him wink. I blushed a bit and then I felt my phone vibrate.

Aiden: Hey babe. Just thought I would text you and let you know I miss you. Hope your first day of school is great. Stay away from those idiot rednecks. ;) See you soon.

Idiot rednecks? I shoved my phone into my pocket and Harry began pointing to people standing around in the group. "This is Zayn, Liam, Kyleigh, Erin, Parker, and Louis." They all sort of half-waved and I did the same. The first bell rang and everyone began to head to their lockers. The girl Harry had said was Erin walked over to me.

"Can I see your schedule?" She smiled. I pulled it out of my bag and handed it to her. "Looks like we have most of the same classes. I can show you around if you want?" She was still smiling. I simply nodded and followed her to homeroom. She was pretty and really sweet. She took a seat beside Liam. I think that was his name? I sat behind Erin. "So, you and Niall, huh?" Her grin widened.

I blushed, "We're just friends."

"Maybe for now, but Liam said he usually gets the girl he wants. I just met him and I can already tell that right now, it looks like that girl is you." She explained and I simply smiled in reply.

"So, what's Los Angeles like? I've always wanted to visit California." Erin asked. "Liam said he's been before but he didn't describe it very well. He said it was big with lots of buildings. It made a great mental picture for me," She said sarcastically.

"It was beautiful. Of course, it's beauty is way different from Alabama's beauty." I explained. "Here, you can see the stars and there's gorgeous fields that seem to go on for miles and miles. In Los Angeles, the lights from the buildings are the stars. I used to sit on my roof and look at them at night."

Erin seemed mesmerized. "That sounds amazing."

"I sat on the roof of my hotel while I was there and watched them. They were wonderful, nothing like back home." Liam explained. He had an accent too, not like Niall's Irish accent. Liam must've been British and I noticed Harry sounded like that too. Did they have a foreign exchange program here or something?

"Okay, my final question because I feel like I'm annoying you. Why did you choose to move here? Like out of all the states, why Alabama? And out of all the places in Alabama, why this small town?" Erin asked curious.

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