Chapter 12

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Everyone was clearing out and I thought it might be fun to go for a ride. I led everyone out to the barn and showed them the horses. They were all pretty calm so I didn't think it mattered who got what horse. "Um...we only have nine horses so some of you might have to ride together if that's okay. If you know how to saddle up a horse, can you help? The horses name is beside their saddle and things so just put the right saddle and bridle on the correct horse." I grabbed Tennessee's tack and began to put it on him. I saw everyone except for my LA friends and Harry getting the horses ready. I didn't know how the boys knew how to saddle up a horse but I guess they ride horses in the UK too. Harry was trying to hit on Harper and I suppose it was working because she was flirting back. "So," I began after I saw all the horses ready, "who's pairing up?"

" and Liam are going to ride Tiara together if that's okay?" Erin said.

"That's perfect." I smiled and they grabbed the reigns and led her out of the stall. Parker walked towards Pegasus, my dad's beautiful white horse, and I nodded giving him the okay. No one else was pairing up so I paired them up myself. "Uh, Kyleigh and Zayn, can you ride Smokey? Harry and Harper, is Romeo fine? Harrison and Alina, Juliet? Bryson and Riley, Freckles? Louis you can ride Apollo and Niall you can ride Honey. Is everyone okay with that?" I said not really asking.

"What about me?" Aiden asked.

"Uh," I forgot about him. "You can ride Tennessee with me." We rode the trail to the top of the hill and looked at the view of the lake. It was beautiful. We sat around and told stories about LA and some of the very few adventures we've had here so far. Harry and Harper snuck off for a while and I can only guess what they did. Harry and Harper were just alike. They probably snuck off somewhere to make out. It wouldn't surprise me. I checked my phone and saw it was already ten o'clock. "We better get back guys. It's starting to get late."

Everyone started to get on the horses when Aiden got on Niall's horse. Niall walked over to me, "Looks like I'm riding back with you." I couldn't help but smile at him. "But I'm taking the reigns." He smiled back.

I laughed, "Whatever you say, mister." I slid back off of the saddle so Niall could climb up. "Lead the way." I told him and we started to walk. Everyone was pretty far behind us when Niall finally spoke up again.

"I'm guessing you and Aiden broke up?" He started.

"Yeah. How did you know? It just happened during the party." I looked at him puzzled.

"I don't know. I guess I just kind of thought y'all did when you walked downstairs together but when he asked if he could ride Honey by himself was when I really figured it out." I just nodded. "Hold on, I wanna take Tennessee for a gallop." I giggled and wrapped my arms around his stomach and Tennessee started to run down the trail towards the barn.

I grabbed Tennessee's tack and began to put it away while Niall was rinsing her off. I stepped outside to see if the were coming but they were still pretty far off. I walked over to Niall and started to help him finish cleaning Tennessee up. "Blake?" Niall started.

"Yeah?" I looked up at him and started to brush out Tennessee's mane. He started to brush him out too and he didn't answer me for a few minutes.

"Did you break up with Aiden just because of the distance or do you like, like someone here? Like Harry?" Niall stuttered out.

I laughed. "Do you honestly think I like Harry? He's like the king of all players." I smiled at him and he stopped brushing Tennessee and went to put the brush away. I grabbed Tennessee's lead rope and put him back into his stall. I put some more water in his bucket and gave him some fresh hay, then I went to find Niall. He was sitting beside the door that led to the tack room. I sat down on the bale of hay beside him. "I broke up with Aiden because I just didn't like him that much anymore and it's going to be hard to be together when I live here and he lives in LA. I don't mean for this to sound rude, but why do you care so much?" I asked curious.

"I, uh, I don't know. I guess I was just curious." He got up and looked outside. When he walked back in, Erin and Liam were following behind him pulling Tiara along with them. "They were eavesdropping." He pointed out. I nodded. I had to find out what was bothering Niall. He was my best friend here and he couldn't start acting funny. I needed him.

Harrison and Alina walked in with Romeo and Juliet behind them. "Um, guys? Where's Harry and Harper?"

"Relax Blake. We're right here. We just wanted to be alone to talk for a bit." Harper said walking into the barn.

"Yeah," I put up my hands and used my fingers to make quotation marks, "talk." I giggled at my joke but they didn't seem to find it as funny. I took Juliet from Alina and Erin got Romeo. We cleaned them up and did the same thing we had done for Tennessee and Tiara. Soon enough everyone else showed up, Aiden was the last to come back. I walked over and he handed me Honey's reigns.

"Uh, do you need my help cleaning anything up?" He asked looking like he was hoping I would say no.

I shook my head, "No, I think we got it. Everyone else headed up to the house. Niall and Erin were just finishing up Freckles and once we get Honey cleaned up we should be there in a minute." He nodded and headed up to the house.

It was time for everyone to go. My friends from school walked out onto the front porch and I followed them. "Y'all are all going to the wedding tomorrow, right?" I asked.

"Yeah." Liam said and everyone else nodded.

"Okay. Well, I'll see all of you there." I watched them as they all walked to their cars. Everyone was starting to pull out of the drive way and Niall just sat there. "Is something wrong with your truck?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah. The battery's dead."

"Oh, okay. Hold on and I'll go get my keys and I'll take you home." I smiled and walked off. I walked inside and grabbed my keys and told my dad I was taking Niall home. When I walked outside, Niall was squatting down beside my car playing with a dog. "Who's this?" I asked as I approached him.

"I'm not sure. He walked up from the barn. I thought he was yours." He whispered while petting the dog.

"No, I've never seen him before. He's a cutie though. He looks like a border collie or something," I leaned down and began to pet his side. "Hey puppy. You're a cutie. Where did you come from, baby?" He started to wag his tail.

"We should probably try to find its owner. They're probably missing him like crazy. Maybe we can make up some flyers and post on Facebook and Twitter." Niall suggested.

"Yeah. Probably so. Until then, do you want to keep him at your house? Or should I keep him here?"

"Um, I have a couple of dogs at home. I could keep him there since I have dog food, but whatever you want is fine." He smiled.

"You can take him, but I get to name him if your taking him home with you."

"Ugh. Okay, fine. It's a deal," He smiled. "What do you want to name him?" Niall asked.

"Turner," I smiled and the dog looked up at me. "He looks like a Turner. Don't ya think?"

"Yeah, Turner's a good name for him. Come on, I should probably get home." Niall picked up Turner and sat him in my back seat. I got in the driver's seat and followed Niall's directions to his house.


I haven't posted in a while. It's been a busy couple of weeks at school. Tomorrow is Suicide Awareness Day (September 10) so wear yellow or write love on your wrists for anyone who has had/has thoughts of, attempted or succeeded in suicide. It's an ugly thing and it needs to stop. As someone who has had a personal experience with suicide I will definitely be reppin this tomorrow. Show you support and I hoped you liked this chapter. I'll be writing two more. One about Harry and one about Liam. Harry's is already finished but I can't upload it until I finish with this one. Hope you enjoy and send me ideas for Liam's. (:

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2012 ⏰

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