Chapter 4

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Happy Sundayy! Hope everyone that was at church or doing whatever had fun! I was listening to my pastor preach and then we had a party for my youth pastor. It was fun. (: Well anyways, hope you like it. :)


I looked out the window and down to the spacious Alabama land. It was wide open and so gorgeous. Niall, surprisingly had the seat beside me again, and was sound asleep. I woke him up to look at the aerial view of his granddad's home. I was amazed at how beautiful this place really was from way up here. The plane landed and we exited for the final time on this trip. I went to grab my bags and to look for my ride. I had no clue what Wes or Dad looked like. I looked for my name on a sign or something. As I glanced around the huge area, I saw him. My brother, Wes, he looked just like me. He was holding a sign that said, "Blakely-Olivia Tucker."

"I'll have to fill them in that I go by just Blake now. Blakely Olivia, gosh, how I hated that name," I thought to myself. I half walked, half ran towards him. He met me halfway and picked me up and twirled me around. I remembered how great our relationship was before he left. When he hugged me, I just knew that our amazing brother/sister relationship would be restored.

"Blakely! Wow, it's so weird seeing you this big. I feel like you weren't supposed to have grown." Wes announced with the biggest smile on his face.

"Yeah, well, it is a pretty common thing now a days." I remarked, "Oh, and just to let you know, I go by Blake, not Blakely-Olivia."

"Oh, my bad." He grabbed my bags, "Well, Dad's anxious to see you. Come on,"


We pulled in the drive and I saw a huge house sitting next to lake. On the other side of the lake were wide open fields containing cows and horses. Wes pulled to a stop and we climbed out of the truck. I looked around once more. "Wow, everything here's so beautiful." I thought.

"Never seen anything like it have you?" Wes questioned.

"Not at all. I was expecting the horses and cows, but I never thought it would be this beautiful. I can't believe you have this much space to yourselves. In LA, the houses are piled on top of each other." I said amazed.

He laughed, "Oh, hey. Look, it's Dad." Wes began walking towards the front of the house and I followed close behind. I saw an older man walking down the front steps toward us, "Dad," I told myself. All the hate I had built up towards him vanished. He was right in front of me and I hugged him and didn't want to let go.

"I've missed you so much," He whispered.

I smiled, "Me too." He let go and picked up some of my things while Wes and I grabbed the rest. I stepped through the front doors to see the inside of his house. I was expecting deer heads and ugly chairs with a terrible man stench, but there weren't any deer heads, the chairs were a gorgeous leather, and it smelled amazing. I couldn't believe that everything I had expected had been proven wrong.

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