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Skylar held a sleeping Serenity in her arms as her and Summer finished another movie on Netflix. Summer yawned and searched through more movies while Skylar rocked her little sister back and forth.

"I'm so tired," Summer groaned, "Did you want to watch another movie?"

Skylar shook her head, "I'm sleepy too. Let me lay her down and I'll be right back." Skylar made her way to Serenity's room and smiled when she saw her toys laying around. She laid her down in the bed before picking up her barbies and many other toys. While doing so, she ran across a photograph of Serenity and their mother.

"I've never seen this before.." Skylar mumbled to herself as she stared at the photo. It was definitely one of the last photos her mother had taken since Serenity was still a small baby in the photo, no more than a few days old.

Skylar smiled and placed the photo next to Serenity's flat screen TV before walking out. She walked back into the living room to see her father and Summer having a conversation. She sat next to her dad on the couch and listened in to what they were talking about.

"Sky, tell daddy to tell us about how he and mom met." Summer said. She was eager to know how their parents got together. It was something they rarely talked about and she wished her mother was still alive to give her side of the story as well.

Skylar gasped, "Yeah daddy, tell us. How it happened? Was you pressing her? You know mama been fine her whole life."

Shawn laughed at his daughters, "Dang, y'all really want to know?" The girls nodded their head and Shawn sighed, "Well okay.. It went a little something like this...."



Tina placed the plates of pancakes, egg, and bacon on the table one by one. Today was her children's last day of school and even though they wouldn't be there too long, she always made sure that they had a nice breakfast each morning.

She heard heavy footsteps and knew it was only one person. She looked up to see her husband, Mathew walking into the kitchen fixing his watch. He was dressed in a suit so she figured he would be making his rounds for today.

"You leaving early," She said to him before placing a kiss on his lips, "You don't want to eat first?"

Mathew looked at the food she had prepared and thought about how good it looked. He looked at the time on his watch before grabbing his plate. "I guess I have time to eat." He said before taking a seat at the table.

Minutes later, Tina's two beautiful girls were walking down the stairs. They both seemed to be happy that today would be their last day of school and it'll be summer break. Beyoncé would be going to high school while Solange will be going to the third grade.

"Well good morning." Tina greeted. She hugged Beyoncé before giving Solange some love as well.

"Good morning," Beyoncé said to her mother. She looked at her father and kissed his cheek, "Hi daddy."

Beyoncé took a seat next to him at the table and wasted no time digging in. Her mother was the best cook so she was always thankful that she took the time out to cook breakfast every morning.

"Hey baby girl," Mathew greeted, "You're ready for your last day?"

Beyoncé nodded, "Yeah. I just can't wait to be in high school."

"Well don't rush. High school is harder, but of course you know that. You're well prepared."

Beyoncé quickly smiled, "Speaking of high school, can I tryout for their basketball team today? Tryouts start as soon as school is over."

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