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"Into your sanctum
You let them in
Now all your loved ones
And all your kin
Will suffer punishments beneath the wrath of God
Never to forgive-"

"Arabella, I know  I told you to do up your collar." Her mother said as she pinned up Arabella's hair. Sitting at the vanity while looking at her mother through the mirror, she sighed.

"Must I? It'll choke me." She spoke back quickly.

"Better to be uncomfortable than to be vulgar." Her mother sternly said. With a roll in her eyes, she nodded and began to button up the collar. "See?" Her mother said as she finished pinning up her locks. "Pretty aren't you?"

Her mother placed her hands on Arabella's shoulders looking at the reflection of her daughter and smiling proudly.  Her long reddish locks neatly pinned up, the midnight blue gown made her stormy dark eyes stand out, and her fair skin seemed to glow in contrast with the dark gown. With a straight face, Arabella studied her reflection.

"Do try and smile." Her mother stiffled a soft laugh. Arabella gave a faint smile in return. "I'm sure we better be off then." Her mother spoke again.

She stood and nodded, Her mother looped arms with her as they led each other down the stairs.

"Do try not to cause a ruckus tonight Tobias." Tobias's older brother Marcus scolded as he did up his collar. "You know how the Stewarts value mannerism. "

Tobias, who was already dressed elegantly, leaned against the doorway and lightly scuffed. His vividly blue eyes softly settled upon his brother, his usual shaggy dark hair was slicked back, and he crossed his arms. With a small snicker, he spoke.

"I promise to be on my best behavior." He chuckled. "Though, I can't seem to understand why you'd want to move out here. There are plenty of cities and towns that need our help."

"It's a nice town Tobias," Marcus spoke. "With nice people, who need our help, so-" he said as he went to the doorway and patted his brother on the back. "Let's try to make a good impression."

With a soft laugh Marcus exited the room, reluctantly, Tobias followed as he shook his head after straightening out his coat.

Upon arriving at the Stewarts, the place held a rather bore to Tobias. The low hum of polite chatter, the smells of perfumes and wine, everyone dressed so elegantly, and the occasional forced laugh made him want to roll his eyes. Yet he clasped his hands behind his back and walked with his brother through crowds of people, occasionally muttering a hello, or a greeting to another guest. His brother, Marcus, held much more enthusiasm.

"Let's say hello to the Stewarts-" Marcus leaned in and whispered to Tobias. "Our gracious host."

"Hmph." was all Tobias stifled and raised a brow.

"Marcus and Tobias Dawson!" Mrs. Stewart chimed while standing next to her husband. Her gown was of satin and looked expensive, while her neck was draped in diamonds. "Pleasured to have you join us."

"Pleasure is all ours," Marcus exclaimed as he shook Mr. Stewart's hand and nodded to Mrs. Stewart. Tobias did the same, yet remained silent.

"Its good to have two medical physicians in town. " Mrs. Stewart said.

"Yes, especially with this awful plague spreading. It's quite comforting to have you two." Mr. Stewart chimed in, he had greying hair that was slicked back, and a nice suit freshly pressed. But as Marcus chattered amongst the two, from the corner of Tobias's eyes a girl stood out to him. She had red hair pinned neatly, a midnight blue gown, and beady eyes. But her beauty isn't what made her stand out to Tobias, it seemed she dreaded being there just like him. Coldly, she looked around the room, shifting as if she felt out of place. An urge to talk to the girl surged through Tobias, though it was a bit impulsive, who was he to deny it?

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