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"You have always waded in the shallows between me and the deep blue sea-"

"Thank you-" She had said after the long and agonizing silent filled pause. "For the lovely evening, really."

"Will I be seeing you again?" He said so abruptly. Arabella was taken back but couldn't help but smile.

"Yes." she breathed out. "Of course."

"Tomorrow?" Tobias asked as suddenly and as eagerly as the first time, just to confirm. He leaned in closer to her, causing her heart to leap and eyes to widen.

"Yes." Now it was Arabella who was the sudden one to talk. They stood there for a moment on her porch, unsure how to say goodbye or part ways and instead just seemed to gaze at each other, both in thought but neither were able to read the expression of the other, That was until Tobias took her hand. She tensed up only to soon relax into the embrace as he pulled her into him.

"Forgive me if this is improper-" he said harshly as he rested his chin upon her head. Arabella could hear his heart beating at its wonderfully steady rate in his chest and she felt at ease. "But it's better to cross the line and suffer the consequences rather than stare at it from afar in a blinded gaze of wonder, is it not?" he laughed and paused for one last second, just one, to soak in that moment in time. Arabella's eyes shut as she enjoyed it. If only she had enjoyed it a little longer, if only that moment would've lasted, or they could return to it.

He pulled away, his hand still gently gripping hers, and smiled as he leaned down to kiss it.

"Good evening Arabella," Tobias said with a glint in his eyes as he held his hands behind his back and gave her one last look before beginning to step away.

Her cheeks were flushed, her body tensed, her heart pounded as she watched him go in slight disbelief.

"Good Evening Tobias." She quietly spoke back as he left.

Arabella's mind swarmed violently, every thought, every event that had occurred that day with Tobias frantically filled her brain, and her smile seemed to stretch for miles. Bliss had built up in her, heat threatened her rosy cheeks, and even after he left her there on her porch, she seemed to find it hard to move, for she was in such a state of shock, excitement, that she had to just stand there and relish it for the moment.

She was in such a state, in fact, that she almost didn't even hear her mother scold her when she entered. Arabella was just on the steps as-

"Where in God's name have you been?" Her mother snapped.

Arabella stopped in her tracks, her grip on the rail tightened as she turned to face her.

"Hmm?" she hummed. Her mood still so bright. "Oh-" Looking away for a brief second, she had to bite back that smile. "Out for tea is all. " Arabella was about to turn to rush up the steps, but her mothers stern voice caused her to freeze once more, this time she didn't look to her mother.

"Tea? Alone?" She strongly said. Arabella could feel her mother's eyes gazing upon her.

"Yes. " Arabella replied. "Alone."

"That's rather Odd isn't it?" The woman was quick to reply back to her daughter in a slow hiss. "You've never been one for tea nor one for outings." 

With a frustrated sigh, Arabella turned to her mother while opening her mouth to speak, but quickly she was cut off by her mothers next words. Her grip on the railing tightened with annoyance and she held a small glare in her eye.

"Rather improper isn't it?" Her mother sighed as she crossed her arms and kept that poise posture. "To go out by one's self without someone to escort you-"

"I was having tea with a friend!" Arabella snapped. Her eyes widened and soon she grew silent. The woman in front of her arched a brow at the sudden information.

"Really?" The woman said after a pause. Both stared at each other, looks mimicking one another with subtle differences, mostly age. Both knew Arabella didn't have many friends. She never went out. " Who is this friend you speak of?" She asked.

"Tob-" She stopped herself mid-word. "Mr. Dawson." Arabella corrected herself. Though she knew her mother wouldn't approve. After all, her parents had already picked out someone they deemed well. Mr. Francis. He was a wealthy man and would surely bring her families status up. But he was old, he was pitiful and always reeked of whiskey, tobacco, sweat, and must. The thought caused her to frown.

"The doctor?" Her mother furrowed her brows. "Arabella that's complete-"

"Obscene?" Arabella cut her off and mocked. "Improper? Unlike a lady? " she snickered softly. "Mother, does it look like I give an ounce of interest whether it is or not?"

Her mothers face held a look of shock at her daughter's sudden tone, but what was worst was the small smirk Arabella had, it angered her mother.

"You-" The woman started before taking a deep breath to remain her stature. "Are not to see that man, Mr. Dawson, again. Do you understand me? " There was no reply from Arabella, this caused her mother to proceed. "Tomorrow, we are to have tea with Mr. Francis. That's final."

Before Arabella could protest, her mother sharply turned and with pace, went off. Standing there defeated and frozen she could only process these events. Not to see Tobias again? But Arabella felt so alive near him, something she hadn't experienced, excitement.

Not too long ago she was trudging through the grass, running her hands along the stone walls, they were smiling and thought it was improper it was nice. Now, moments later, so quickly her mother could rip that away?

She couldn't help but huff in annoyance and charge up the stairs and into her room like an angry child. Not even bothering to undress she laid in her bed and watched the ceiling, never had she felt so defeated.

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