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"But of all the demons I've known
None could compare to you-"

Arabella shifted in her seat awkwardly and kept her eyes on her cup. Moments of silence passed between the two, in between that was sips of tea and casual smiles, Each not knowing what to say. They sat outside at a local cafe-type shop. The air was cool and crisp, the sky grey, very few people walked the streets before them.

"I usually don't take tea." Tobias eventually said and gave a breathy yet nervous chuckle. Perhaps he shouldn't have invited her. He watched her, the way she avoided his eyes, did he do something wrong? Was something stuck in his teeth?

"I dread Tea." She looked up and gave a soft laugh. Finally, she had met his cool eyes. Arabella tucked back a loose strand, her hair neatly fell behind her, a simple black dress hugged her curves and flowed back modestly, she didn't know what to wear this morning but hoped she looked nice. Arabella didn't know why, but for once, she cared about her appearance.

"Oh-" Tobias responded. Was it a mistake to ask her here with him after all? "My apologies, perhaps this was wrong on my part and-"

"No! Not at all." Arabella cut him off, hoping he didn't think she was being ungrateful or entitled. "What I meant was, well, It seems more like a chore than an enjoyment these days. You're expected to have it, a routine thing you see with snobby people and snobby chatter and well, uh-" Arabella rambled. "But no enjoyment of the aspect. I do enjoy tea, the drink, but its such a chore-" She grew insecurely quiet upon realizing that Tobias was staring at her, Unable to read his expression she sipped her drink and looked away.

"May I ask you a question?" Tobias faintly held a side smile and leaned back in his seat. Arabella nodded. "Why did you come with me if tea is such a chore, Arabella?" His tone was gentle and curious. How different Arabella seemed, witty even. Other girls were snobbish and manner filled, routinely, well brought up, but not Arabella.

"Well-" She breathed out in thought, unsure what to say really. "Because-"

"Because?" he raised a brow and slightly chuckled.

"I didn't think it'd be such a chore with you," she stated promptly. Her eyes went wide as that phrase could sound improperly flirty. "I-Ive come to enjoy your company, is all."

"Really?" Tobias furrowed his brows and gave an amused grin. "Why is that? " He continued to ask.

"Because Tobias, You're simply, refreshing." Arabella also leaned back in her seat and gave a daring smirk yet nervous smirk. It was as if he was playing cat and mouse with her and that excited her.

"Refreshing?" He chuckled.

"Yes. Look around-" she motioned her hand as she spoke. Tobias only gave a small glance to the few people on the street. "Everyone here is such a bore. The conversation we had upon meeting was rather abrupt and new. So are you." 

Tobias listened to her speak while sipping tea as if to hide his childish smile. 

"You're quite different too," he looked up and raised a brow.

"I am?" Her tone sounded unsure of herself.

"Yes." He bit his lip and softly chuckled. Looking up, he noticed that she had a blank and almost quizzed expression. "Relax-" He breathed out. "It's a good thing."

Arabella couldn't help but smile and laugh a bit at herself.

"Would you like to see something ?" He said after placing his cup down. Arabella was slightly taken back.

"Um.." Her voice hummed out gently. "Sure?" It came out as an unsure question. Tobias stood and offered his arm out to her, she took it.

Upon walking down the small streets, Tobias spoke of how it was like back home for him, how he was glad he moved with his brother. Arabella just graciously listened noticing the way Tobias would lightly smirk as faint memories entered his brain and poured from his mouth into Arabella's ears. Soon enough that small stoned street turned into a path which entered the woods. Arabella stopped. What could he possibly want to show her in the woods? This caused her heart to beat a bit faster. Her large eyes looked at him as he too stopped and looked back to her.

"Not to worry!" He soon spoke. "We are building the hospital in the clearing," Tobias explained.

Arabella simply nodded and looked away with a pause and seemed to freeze as she could feel his eyes wandering over her causing her to crack a smile. "Shall we then?" She eventually piped up. He grinned.

"Yes," he spoke swiftly and held his arm out to her, to which she looped around hers. Feeling more assured as she stepped out to the path with him. That walk was silent, innocent, the leaves crunched beneath their feet, shy smiles and glances were exchanged, mixed with nervous chuckles, all the while Arabella felt a surge of excitement. What would her mother say about these improper events? Surely they weren't having tea anymore and instead off to explore this new hospital of his. How improper for a young lady, at least that's what she'd say.

Her eyes widened as they stopped, trees surrounded the clearing, and a tall freshly built building stood before them. Dark stoned walls towered. It was bigger than Arabella expected, in fact,, bigger than any building in town, and caused her to blink in amazement.

"Well-" Tobias stepped forward and paced a bit despite how still she was. "It took a bit to complete, been working on it since before we moved here, what do you think?"  He stumbled out and clasped his hands behind his back.

"Well-" She paused and upon seeing the way Tobias's face awaited her response as if her input was held in the highest of importance, she looked back at the hospital building and took a deep breath. Crossing her arms so daringly and smirking, Arabella teasingly spoke. "Could use some color." she gave a chuckle. Arabella bit her lip and her heart nearly jumped out of its chest as she impulsively took his hand. "C'mon let's go inside and look around."

Life Eternalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن