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"You'll soon be hearing the chime
Close to midnight-"

"So ?" Arabella's mother chimed through her thoughts. Arabella's gaze broke away from the window and looked to her.

"Hmm?" Arabella raised a brow.

"Your thoughts?" Her mother spoke before sighing. "On Mr. Francis?"

Arabella frowned. "Yes, The possible suitor..." She trailed off as her gaze returned to the window, Yet her mind swarmed only of last nights unexpected conversation with the Medical Physician. How refreshing it was, how sudden, and exciting even.

"He seemed to have taken a liking to you. " Her mother said giddily. "Handsome too. Don't you think?"

Arabella wasn't fully listening as she watched the dim night sky.

"There are no stars out tonight.." she half whispered in a daze. Her mother let out a sigh.

"My goodness Arabella, Your mind wanders too much-" Her mother was cut off as her father yelled from downstairs.

"Margret?!" he called. "Arabella?! Please come downstairs." Both women perked up and looked at each other curiously before retreating downstairs.

Arabella's eyes widened, the grin on her face stretched for miles, and she thought she could just explode with joy, but couldn't explain why. At the door stood Tobias and his brother.

"Hello Mrs. White-" Marcus spoke, but it seemed Tobias and Arabella were just in too much shock upon each others presence to look away. Or at least Arabella was, in fact, she didn't hear a word that Tobias's brother said. In fact, the whole time Marcus explained why they were there, she drowned it out. "-So if you please step over here Mr. And Mrs. White, while my brother takes care of Arabella." her attention snapped as her parents stepped away with Marcus to their reading room, leaving her alone with the familiar stranger.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I dozed off-" She began to speak frantically as she felt her face get flushed. Tobias only laughed softly.

"Routinely checkup." He said as he approached her with careful steps. "This plague has caused much damage. We're opening a hospital for the sick. Plan to keep checkups with the townspeople as well, to keep it from spreading as violently as it has been. " He took a step closer to her, Arabella's heart pounded as he was now inches from her. "May I?" he asked a bit awkwardly after clearing his throat. She nodded.

Pressing a cool hand to her cheek, Tobias offered a smile, To which Arabella returned the favor. Soon, he slowly moved his hand to her forehead.

"You don't have a fever.." He murmured under his breath.

"Well, I-Id certainly hope not." She chuckled nervously as he bent his knees a little to get eye level with her. Putting up a finger, he ignored her remark and spoke again.

"Please follow my finger with your eyes, be sure to keep your head still though," he said as he studied her eyes and moved his finger in circular motions. Arabella was sure to do as he said, The silence between them slowly killing her. That was until Tobias spoke again. 

Then, taking a crumpled paper out of his pocket, and a small led pencil he took a step back.

"Mrs. White-" He began but was cut off by her, which caused him to look up.

"Arabella." she corrected him.

"Arabella," he repeated with a smile. "Arabella, have you experienced any Fatigue in the last seven days?" he asked.

"No." She replied. He wrote down a few notes.

"Any chills? Hot and cold flashes?" he asked again.

"No-" she shook her head as he wrote some more. "Mr. Dawson?" she peeped out.

"Tobias." He looked up and was quick to correct her. "You can call me Tobias." This time he said it slower. There was a pause while it was Arabella's turn to give a nervous smile.

"Uh, Yes." she looked away for a brief second and bit her lip nervously. "Tobias?" Arabella looked back to him. "Do forgive me if I'm being a bit forward, but curiosity is my weak point, and well-" Arabella hesitated as she tried to find the right words. "Is it just you and your brother here?"

This caused Tobias to smirk, he looked down and continued to write.

"Are you asking if a woman is in my life?" He teasingly said and chuckled. Her face went red.

"W-well, surely you can put it  that way.." Arabella said in a shy response.

"No." He looked at her and stopped writing.

"No?" She repeated.

"There's No woman currently. Just me and My brother, Marcus." He said.

"Oh." She repeated after a pause.

"Muscle aches?" he questioned.

"What?" she raised a brow in a confused manner, her head swarming, and her face flushed.

"Have you experienced any muscle aches recently?" He raised a brow at her.

"Oh." she laughed. "No, None at all." once she responded, he wrote again.

"Tea?" he said as he folded up the paper and pocketed along with the pencil. He looked up with a soft gaze as he explained, "Would you care to have Tea with me tomorrow? "

"Tea?" Arabella smiled childishly. Tobias's eyes widened a bit.

"My apologies, is tomorrow too sudden?" he said as he used his hand to smooth back his hair nervously. Arabella shook her head.

"I'd love to." She spoke. Tobias opened his mouth to speak but was cut off as the other three re-entered the room.

"All good here," Marcus claimed. He looked between the two and awaited Tobias's confirmation.

"As well here. Arabella is in perfect health it seems." He said as he only glanced to her and set his eyes upon the others.

"Thank you for your time," Marcus said to the family with a nod. "Shall we Tobias?"

Tobias nodded and joined his brother, reluctantly taking his eyes away from her as they left Arabella watching with a faint, rare, yet genuine smile.

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