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"Punishment beneath the wrath of god-"

Tobias, for hours upon hours, could only sit next to his lover.

Light from a fire warmthed her skin. She was breathing softly, still unconscious. Her head had stopped bleeding, luckily she hadn't lost too much of it from her fall.

The horses, now calm, we're tied up near a tree, they nibbled the grass beneath them.

Tobias didn't leave her side. Her skin felt so hot. Her face was pail.

This sickness hit her so suddenly, so fast. Just as it did him.

He was weak. The only energy he could muster was the will to be with her. Could he now be losing her?

He shook away such a thought and ran his hand through his hair.

Blisters were visable along his arms and wrist, he tugged his sleeves down to hide the reminder.

He knew the odds weren't good, but if only they had a miracle. If only God would spare them...

Would he? How could he give such a blessing between two people only to rip it away from them through death?

"We'll be alright-" He whispered to her as he traced a finger along her skin. Her lips parted but she continued her peaceful rest.

Tobias felt like this was all his fault. He knew he was Ill, he knew he should have left her to keep her safe. Let her marry that man, as terrible as he was, she'd been taken care of. She'd live.

He was content with dying as long as she lived.

His heart ached.

If only that could've been an option. Self sacrifice.

Was God laughing at them?

"As soon as you're awake and able-" He groaned as he laid his aching body next to hers. "I'm taking you back home. " He whispered. "I'll say I took you without your consent, in a jealous rage, they'll lock me up where I'll soon pass away from this world. Your honor won't be disgraced, you'll marry Mr. Francis-" He frowned. "And he'll use all the money he has to get you the finest treatment. You'll live a long life.. And grow old.. Have children?"

He glances to her, brows furrowed as he watched her chest fall and rise. Her face so still, so beautiful, so soft.

"You'll protest this idea, no doubt. " He chuckled. "I know you too well, my love. "

With a deep breath, Tobias turned on his side.

"And I'll argue about how there's no other way-" He twirled a strand of her hair. "Try to reason with you. But it'll be to no avail, you'll protest further, scrunch up your nose like you do when things don't go your way-" He smiled. "Cross your arms and tell me how much you're in love. How it'd be meaningless to live with your arranged marriage. "

Silence passed for a moment.

"It melts my heart when you scrunch up your nose in annoyance... " He let the thought out as he looked up to the blank sky. "Still no stars.. " He whispered.

His eyes began to close.

"Tonight, we rest. "

There was a pause.

"Tobias? " Her soft voice caused him to sit up and study her. He checked her over to make sure she was alright and blushed wondering if she heard his little speech. Her eyes still closed but a smile graced her lips. "You know I'm not going back-" She breathed.

"Arabella-" He began in protest, he was trying to be stern, but the smile In his words was too noticeable.

She scrunched her nose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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