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"Something within your eyes
Said it could be the last time-"

It had been weeks since Arabella last saw Tobias, Now here she was with her Fiance, when she wanted to run away with her lover.

The room was dimly lit, barely any light poured through the windows. It was raining. A long wooden table was placed between her and him. She stared at the floor not wanting to touch her tea.

Her fiance's house was extraordinary, at least that's what any other girl would think. It was massive, well decorated, it was nice. But not nice enough to win her heart. He was a wealthy man. Any other girl would swoon at that factor, regardless of attraction or not, but time was dragging. With each day she felt more weary.

"Arabella, darling?" Her cold eyes snapped to him, almost as cold as the ring on her finger.

She hesitated but as she looked away once more she cocked a brow and with a stinging hiss in her voice she replied,  "Yes? "

"It would be rather nice if you engaged in conversation with me. " The old man grumbled out.

"Conversations aren't suited for a lady. " She muttered.

"Why must you be so cold all the time my dear. " He sighed out. He stood and walked across the table to her, managing to lean against its wooden frame. Arabella refused to look at him. Her stern face gazed away. "Mustn't you forget, you are my wife. "

Her beady eyes snapped madly to him. "We aren't married yet. "

"Yet." He repeated soon after her. He traced a cold finger against the soft skin of her cheek. His skin was rough and unpleasant to the girl causing her to shudder in disgust.

How repulsive.

She thought.

Instantly she stood and backed up. Soon regaining her posture and composer before speaking again.

"Frankly, if I had it my way, we would never be betrothed. " She muttered.

"How would you rather have it then?! " His voice rose. Arabella sank a bit inside out of fright from the sudden harsh tone. "Rather be off with your little doctor? Leave your family with nothing? Not even a crumb of bread at that?!"

Her eyes widened.

"Don't mistake my intelligence. " He hushly spoke. "It's quite obvious, the two of you. " There was a hesitant pause. "It won't be long until the whole town knows. Whispers are already arising. It's a scandal. You're lucky I'd still take you after your sins." He paused for a moment and narrowed his eyes. "This little rendezvous will end when we wed. Understood? "

Her stomach sank nervously, her heart raced, his words bit at her ears making her numb. Arabella said nothing.

He awaited her response. His plump frame now seemed to tower over the fragile girl. Arabella felt as if she sank.

Heat arose on her face causing it to turn crimson. Her brows scrunched up in a mix of frustration and anger.

"How dare you... " She whispered. Her voice began to rise, and with it, her hand. About to strike, she spoke again, this time much louder. "How dare you?! "

As her hand came down to strike, and anger peaked, quickly her fiance caught her wrist. She yelped as he gripped her harder. Surprise struck her face as she looked up to him, suddenly frightened. His other hand came down harshly on her face in a slap.

Arabellas body fell with the unexpected force, she cupped her cheek. Tensing up and freezing, she hesitated to move.

"These immature shenanigans aren't suited for a lady. " He mocked her bitterly. "Know your place woman-" Arabella bit her lip and scurried away after his next words. "And get out of my sight. "

Tears brinked her eyes as she fled away from that wretched house, she wanted to conceal herself in the woods away from the town, away from everyone. How unfair it all was, how weak she must have seemed. To cry at mean words like she did. How childish. But beneath that, what really hurt was her situation.

And without seeing Tobias, how alone she felt.

So she ran. She dashed. She darted.

Arabella didn't even consider where she was going. She didn't care to consider it. And she only stopped when it was suitable. When she needed a breath.

She leaned against a tree and finally took the time to observe her surroundings. The rain had died down to a soft sprinkle that dampened her skin. The air was cold yet refreshing. The ground beneath her was sold. The breeze disturbed the leaves above. The sky was a harsh grey. As it always was and always seemed to be.

It was all ordinary. The world hadnt changed.

It was her who was different. Yet she couldn't tell if this sudden change was a blessing or a curse.

How beautiful it was to love. How cruel it was to have the beautiful things slip away.

The girl unpinned her hair, it fell violently around her frame, and she wiped away her tears. Adrenaline had caused her heart to race but as she rested, it began to slow down.

"Oh, My dear Lord, why do you toy with me so? Does it amuse you above?!" She looked up to the sky with a disappointed sigh. Arabella shook her head.

What Madness.

She thought. How arrogant it was to blame god.

"I'm sorry my Lord. " She bowed her head and ran her fingers through her hair. "I'm blinded aren't I? But is it so selfish to want what I want? I beg you to give me strength. To guide me by my side down the path that you've drawn for me. And I pray Tobias is on that path with me. " She couldn't help the faint smile that escaped.

Just a few more minutes of rest. Then she'd continue to walk.

Arabella began to move again through the thick forest. This time her steps were soft and gentle wanting to enjoy her time alone. As she wandered, she began to realize where she was. Close to the clearing of the hospital. Perhaps-

Perhaps she could see Tobias. Perhaps he was better now.

Her steps were now swift. She was once again in a hurry.

Perhaps they could leave tonight. And perhaps never look back.

The skirt of her black dress faintly flowed in the breeze as she walked. She could see it now, The hospital.

But upon entering her smile faded. There he was, her man in the mask. She approached him and flung her arms around him from behind.

Yet he jumped from fright and moved away. The beady eyes of his mask snapped at her angrily as he faced her. She hesitated

"Tobias! " She soon spoke. "Are you well? " She smiled at him. But that faded once again as he took off the mask.

This wasn't Tobias. This was someone else. Red curly hair and annoyed Hazel eyes bore down at her. His voice was rough. Unlike the smooth music that her lovers voice beared.

"Tobias isn't here. " He frankly spoke. "In fact, he hasn't been here for a long time. "

Her heart sank. A cold shiver crept over her skin.

"Where might he be? " She was quick to ask. Her voice held urgency and worry.

"Don't know. Last I heard, he was faintly ill. " The man shrugged and studied her. "You might want to ask his brother. He hasn't been here for a while either. Yet we're still employed. " The man began to slip his mask back on. "They live on the outskirts of town. "

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