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"You who wish to conquer pain
You must learn what makes me kind
The crumbs of love that you offer me
They're the crumbs I've left behind
Your pain is no credential here
It's just the shadow; shadow of my wound"

Tobias had awaited for her to fall asleep before rolling to lay next to her. He laid on his side and studied her. She looked peaceful and beautiful. He drank her features in. Her skin bathed in the warm glow of the dimming candle.

Carefully, he pulled the top of her nightgown up to cover her chest and slowly got out of bed. Rain still poured.

Pulling the covers over her before redressing in the clothes she had brought him, he was hesitant to go.

He looked out the window.

It was still raining, perhaps a few more minutes wouldnt hurt-

He shook his head.

No, he couldnt stay. If her parents were to awake and discover them then-

Tobias sighed.

He felt bad for having to leave. He didnt want Arabella thinking that all he wanted was a one night stand. Whats worst was that he felt every minute that he left her alone was a minute of him being unable to protect her.

He couldnt protect her in his dreams but in life he could.

Protect her from that god awful Mr. Francis. He scowled at the thought.

How unfair it was.

If only Tobias had more money, if only he had a reputation to his name, if only-

If only he'd quit stalling.

Leaving caused him guilt, guilt caused him to open the drawer of her vanity and pull out the diary so he could leave her a note, and that caused him to look inside.

It wasnt his intention to pry, in fact he didnt read it much at all, just one sentence he couldn't help but see.

"I fear Tobias is the one in my dreams,"

He furrowed his brows. Could she be dreaming of him too?

He shook away the thought and tore out a blank page before returning the book to the drawer. Taking a quill and ink he elegantly wrote a note:


I apologize for leaving you throughout the night, if i had it my way id stay with you until morning and hide you away from everyone through out the day. But, as you know, circumstances cannot allow that.

I want to thank you for the blissful night you bestowed upon me and i can only hope that one day i shall be able to wake up next to you to thank you in person.

I hope to see you during the opening of the hospital, ive been told that the whole town is attending, my brother will be holding a party in honor of it.

Perhaps you could meet me after wards and we can run away for the night and creat secrets only we can share.

With Love,

He blew on the note to dry the ink and once he was sure it wouldnt smear, he folded up the paper and returned to where she laid in bed. He studied her one last time before leaving the note next to her and going to blow out the candle. Returning to the window afterwards.

Being sure to be as silent as possible, he opened the window and climbed out. Easing himself down carefully and being sure to close the window behind him, he slowly began to climb down, rain hitting him hard and begining to soak his clothes.

But he didn't mind.

He still had a smile plastered on his lips and his body was still so relaxed after those indulging events that replayed in his mind still. His heart seemed to fly and soar as he walked through the woods and the familiar path he took.

She really loved him.

Tobias returned home to a stern brother.

"Where the hell have you been?" His brother breathed in relief once he found that Tobias was alright. They lived near the cemetery on the outskirts of town in a small house. Tobias couldnt answer. He hummed a soft tune and removed his soaked shoes at the door. He gave his brother a smile and held happy and bright eyes. "Tobias, have you any idea what hour it is? Youre soaked!"

"Hmm?" Tobias looked down upon himself. "Oh yes, it seems i am. "

"I have been worried sick and-" Marcus' face relaxed into one of realization as his words slowed down. He could see the demeanor of his brother and the glisten in his eyes. "You didnt-" He paused watching as his brother undressed and moved to redress into warmer and dry clothes. "Good God, Tobias, tell me you didnt."

"What are you babbling about brother?" Tobias looked up at him with a chuckle.

"You were out with the White's daughter werent you?" It wasnt hard to guess. Tobias' little love affair wasnt hard to spot, especially for someone as close to him as Marcus, it seemed he'd always spoken of the girl and the way Tobias looked at her at the check up and the way she looked back-

When Tobias didnt respond it became clear to Marcus.

"Tobias-" He started. "She's an engaged girl-"

This caused Tobias to snap.

"Dont say that! She doesnt love him-" He had tensed up but soon relaxed and calmed himself as he sat by the fire place, the only source of light in the room. "How could she be an engaged girl if she despises the man whom she must wed?" His words were sad and defeated. At that moment Marcus understood, for the first time in his brothers life, Tobias had felt the cold stab of jealousy.

"Did you two-" Marcus shifted. "Well, you know-"

A blush washed over Tobias pleased face as he ran his hands through his hair, still remember the trace of her fingers in his locks earlier.

"Yes." Tobias whispered without regret.

"You took her virginity Tobias?!" His brother half yelled in a stern tone and shook his head. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Are you mad?!"

"Well-" Tobias calmly paused in thought. "I did give her my virginity in return. So, I think we're square." Tobias leaned back in his seat and watched his brother with a sly grin.

Marcus sighed and shook his head while rubbing his eyes. He sat next to Tobias. "You realize she's engaged and that you two just commited adultery?"

This caused Tobias to frown.

"Well no ones going to find out really-" Tobias began, but Marcus cut him off.

"If they do, she can be punished. Humiliated, whipped even, beaten-" Tobias began to scowl at these words although they were true. He stood up.

"Dont talk in that manner-" Tobias started.

"Do you love her?" His brother shot back.

Tobias paused and looked his brother square in the eyes.

"Yes." He spoke softly.

Marcus was quiet for a few moments but understood.

"Then thats all that matters." Marcus gave him a nod.

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